§ 18. Determination of conflict by other than the Town officer
If undeniable reason for an officer to disqualify himself or herself is brought to the attention of any board, commission, or committee by any party or person or by another board, commission, or committee member and the member does not disqualify himself or herself, the board, commission, or committee shall consider the factual basis for the question and shall decide the matter by majority vote, the challenged member abstaining, before any other business is conducted. A formal vote shall be taken on every question of conflict. Once the vote is taken, the board, commission, or committee shall return to the business before it, and no further time shall be devoted to the issue of that conflict. A full report of the issue and discussion shall be made in the minutes of the meetings. (Added 2013, No. M-8, § 2, eff. May 23, 2013.)