§ 21. Malicious disturbance or interference
Any person who shall maliciously disturb or injure the aqueduct, reservoirs, springs, stream, pond, or fountains, or any of the connecting appurtenances, enclosures, or works thereof, or pollute the waters of the aqueduct, reservoirs, springs, stream, pond, or fountains shall be liable to be prosecuted therefor by the Grand Juror of the Town, or the State’s Attorney of the county wherein the offense shall be committed, by information, complaint, or indictment, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $500.00 and costs of prosecution, and shall also be liable to the corporation for all damages resulting to it by such disturbance or injury or pollution, with full costs, to be recovered by an action on the case founded on this statute. (Added 1890, No. 87, § 11; amended 1989, No. M-26, § 5.)