§ 3. Powers of Village
The corporation shall have power to make such prudential bylaws, rules, and regulations as it shall from time to time deem proper; to alter, repeal, or amend the same; such in particular as relate to its streets, sidewalks, alleys, public highways, commons, and parks, the cleaning, repairing, improving the same; such as relate to slaughterhouses and nuisances generally; such as relate to a watch, and the lighting of the streets of the Village, the restraining of any cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or geese from running at large in the Village; to establish and regulate a market; to suppress and restrain disorderly and gaming houses, and all descriptions of gaming, and for the destruction of all instruments and devices used for that purpose; to compel the owner or occupant of any unwholesome, noisome, or offensive house or place to remove or cleanse the same from time to time, as may be necessary for the health or comfort of the inhabitants of the Village; to regulate the manufacture and keeping of gunpowder, ashes, and all other combustible or dangerous materials; to prevent immoderate riding or driving in the streets, and cruelty to animals; to regulate the erection of buildings, and prevent encumbering the streets, sidewalks, and public alleys with firewood, lumber, carriages, boxes, or other things, and provide for the care, preservation, and improvement of public grounds; to provide a supply of water for the protection of the Village against fire, and for other purposes, and to regulate the use of the same; to compel all persons to remove from the sidewalks and gutters adjacent to the premises owned or occupied by them all snow, ice, dirt, and garbage, and to keep such sidewalks and gutters clean; to license innkeepers, keepers of saloons or victualing houses, and auctioneers, under regulations and for sums of money as the trustees may prescribe; to regulate or restrain the use of rockets, squibs, firecrackers, or other fireworks, in the streets or commons, and to prevent the practicing therein of any amusements having a tendency to injure or annoy persons passing thereon, or endanger the security of property; to regulate the making of alterations and repairs of stovepipes, fireplaces, and other things from which damage by fire may be apprehended; and also to regulate the use of buildings in crowded localities for hazardous purposes; to provide for the preservation of buildings from fires by precautionary measures and inspections, and to establish and regulate a fire department and fire companies, and other matters deemed necessary for the proper regulation of the affairs of the Village; provided, that no such bylaws shall be inconsistent with the Constitution or laws of the State or the United States. The corporation shall have power to impose such reasonable fine, penalty, or forfeiture for the breach of any bylaws by it established, as it may judge reasonable, which may be prosecuted for and recovered in an action of debt before any court proper to try the same; in which action it shall be deemed sufficient to declare generally, setting forth the particular bylaw for a breach of which the suit is brought; and all fines, penalties, and forfeitures so recovered shall be paid into the treasury of the Village, to be expended for the benefit and improvement of the Village as may seem best to the Board of Trustees.