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(705 ILCS 135/Art. 10 heading)

Article 10. Funds

(Source: P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)


(705 ILCS 135/10-5)

(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)

Sec. 10-5. Funds.

(a) All money collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court under Article 15 of this Act shall be remitted as directed in Article 15 of this Act to the county treasurer, to the State Treasurer, and to the treasurers of the units of local government. If an amount payable to any of the treasurers is less than $10, the clerk may postpone remitting the money until $10 has accrued or by the end of fiscal year. The treasurers shall deposit the money as indicated in the schedules, except, in a county with a population of over 3,000,000, money remitted to the county treasurer shall be subject to appropriation by the county board. Any amount retained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in a county with a population of over 3,000,000 shall be subject to appropriation by the county board.

(b) The county treasurer or the treasurer of the unit of local government may create the funds indicated in paragraphs (1) through (5), (9), and (16) of subsection (d) of this Section, if not already in existence. If a county or unit of local government has not instituted, and does not plan to institute a program that uses a particular fund, the treasurer need not create the fund and may instead deposit the money intended for the fund into the general fund of the county or unit of local government for use in financing the court system.

(c) If the arresting agency is a State agency, the arresting agency portion shall be remitted by the clerk of court to the State Treasurer who shall deposit the portion as follows:

  • (1) if the arresting agency is the Illinois State Police, into the State Police Law Enforcement Administration Fund;
  • (2) if the arresting agency is the Department of Natural Resources, into the Conservation Police Operations Assistance Fund;
  • (3) if the arresting agency is the Secretary of State, into the Secretary of State Police Services Fund; and
  • (4) if the arresting agency is the Illinois Commerce Commission, into the Transportation Regulatory Fund.

(d) Fund descriptions and provisions:

  • (1) The Court Automation Fund is to defray the expense, borne by the county, of establishing and maintaining automated record keeping systems in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The money shall be remitted monthly by the clerk to the county treasurer and identified as funds for the Circuit Court Clerk. The fund shall be audited by the county auditor, and the board shall make expenditures from the fund in payment of any costs related to the automation of court records including hardware, software, research and development costs, and personnel costs related to the foregoing, provided that the expenditure is approved by the clerk of the court and by the chief judge of the circuit court or his or her designee.
  • (2) The Document Storage Fund is to defray the expense, borne by the county, of establishing and maintaining a document storage system and converting the records of the circuit court clerk to electronic or micrographic storage. The money shall be remitted monthly by the clerk to the county treasurer and identified as funds for the circuit court clerk. The fund shall be audited by the county auditor, and the board shall make expenditure from the fund in payment of any cost related to the storage of court records, including hardware, software, research and development costs, and personnel costs related to the foregoing, provided that the expenditure is approved by the clerk of the court.
  • (3) The Circuit Clerk Operations and Administration Fund may be used to defray the expenses incurred for collection and disbursement of the various assessment schedules. The money shall be remitted monthly by the clerk to the county treasurer and identified as funds for the circuit court clerk.
  • (4) The State’s Attorney Records Automation Fund is to defray the expense of establishing and maintaining automated record keeping systems in the offices of the State’s Attorney. The money shall be remitted monthly by the clerk to the county treasurer for deposit into the State’s Attorney Records Automation Fund. Expenditures from this fund may be made by the State’s Attorney for hardware, software, and research and development related to automated record keeping systems.
  • (5) The Public Defender Records Automation Fund is to defray the expense of establishing and maintaining automated record keeping systems in the offices of the Public Defender. The money shall be remitted monthly by the clerk to the county treasurer for deposit into the Public Defender Records Automation Fund. Expenditures from this fund may be made by the Public Defender for hardware, software, and research and development related to automated record keeping systems.
  • (6) The DUI Fund shall be used for enforcement and prevention of driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds or any combination thereof, as defined by Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, including, but not limited to, the purchase of law enforcement equipment and commodities that will assist in the prevention of alcohol-related criminal violence throughout the State; police officer training and education in areas related to alcohol-related crime, including, but not limited to, DUI training; and police officer salaries, including, but not limited to, salaries for hire-back funding for safety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and liquor store sting operations. Any moneys shall be used to purchase law enforcement equipment that will assist in the prevention of alcohol-related criminal violence throughout the State. The money shall be remitted monthly by the clerk to the State or local treasurer for deposit as provided by law.
  • (7) The Trauma Center Fund shall be distributed as provided under Section 3.225 of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act.
  • (8) The Probation and Court Services Fund is to be expended as described in Section 15.1 of the Probation and Probation Officers Act.
  • (9) The Circuit Court Clerk Electronic Citation Fund shall have the Circuit Court Clerk as the custodian, ex officio, of the Fund and shall be used to perform the duties required by the office for establishing and maintaining electronic citations. The Fund shall be audited by the county’s auditor.
  • (10) The Drug Treatment Fund is a special fund in the State treasury. Moneys in the Fund shall be expended as provided in Section 411.2 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act.
  • (11) The Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund is a special fund in the State treasury to provide moneys for the grants to be awarded under the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Act.
  • (12) The Criminal Justice Information Projects Fund shall be appropriated to and administered by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for distribution to fund Illinois State Police drug task forces and Metropolitan Enforcement Groups, for the costs associated with making grants from the Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal Fund, for undertaking criminal justice information projects, and for the operating and other expenses of the Authority incidental to those criminal justice information projects. The moneys deposited into the Criminal Justice Information Projects Fund under Sections 15-15 and 15-35 of this Act shall be appropriated to and administered by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for distribution to fund Illinois State Police drug task forces and Metropolitan Enforcement Groups by dividing the funds equally by the total number of Illinois State Police drug task forces and Illinois Metropolitan Enforcement Groups.
  • (13) The Sexual Assault Services Fund shall be appropriated to the Department of Public Health. Upon appropriation of moneys from the Sexual Assault Services Fund, the Department of Public Health shall make grants of these moneys to sexual assault organizations with whom the Department has contracts for the purpose of providing community-based services to victims of sexual assault. Grants are in addition to, and are not substitutes for, other grants authorized and made by the Department.
  • (14) The County Jail Medical Costs Fund is to help defray the costs outlined in Section 17 of the County Jail Act. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely for reimbursement to the county of costs for medical expenses and administration of the Fund.
  • (15) The Prisoner Review Board Vehicle and Equipment Fund is a special fund in the State treasury. The Prisoner Review Board shall, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly and approval by the Secretary, use all moneys in the Prisoner Review Board Vehicle and Equipment Fund for the purchase and operation of vehicles and equipment.
  • (16) In each county in which a Children’s Advocacy Center provides services, a Child Advocacy Center Fund is specifically for the operation and administration of the Children’s Advocacy Center, from which the county board shall make grants to support the activities and services of the Children’s Advocacy Center within that county.

(Source: P.A. 101-636, eff. 6-10-20; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)