(a) In order to achieve the purposes of this chapter, the Director shall conduct programs for energy research, development, demonstration and commercial application with the general goals of- (1) increasing the efficiency of all energy intensive sectors through conservation and improved technologies; (2) promoting diversity of energy supplies; (3) decreasing the dependency of the Virgin […]
(a) The peak demanded generating capacity of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority must be derived from technologies utilizing renewable energy as defined in section 1101(f) of this title and as follows: 20% by January 1, 2015; 25% by January 1, 2020; and 30% by January 1, 2025; and the percentage thereafter must increase […]
(a) The Governor of the Virgin Islands shall facilitate the establishment of the “Comprehensive Energy Plan of the Virgin Islands” as required by 48 U.S.C. 1492, in conjunction with the Secretary of [the] Interior and the United States Secretary of Energy. (b) The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority shall coordinate with the Governor the […]