§ 5-201. Appointment and status of guardian
A person becomes a guardian of a minor by parental appointment or upon appointment by the Court. The guardianship continues until terminated, without regard to the location of the guardian or minor ward.
A person becomes a guardian of a minor by parental appointment or upon appointment by the Court. The guardianship continues until terminated, without regard to the location of the guardian or minor ward.
(a) A guardian may be appointed by will or other signed writing by a parent for any minor child the parent has or may have in the future. The appointment may specify the desired limitations on the powers to be given to the guardian. The appointing parent may revoke or amend the appointment before confirmation […]
Until the Court has confirmed an appointee under section 5-202, a minor who is the subject of an appointment by a parent and who has attained 14 years of age, the other parent, or a person other than a parent or guardian having care or custody of the minor may prevent or terminate the appointment […]
(a) A minor or a person interested in the welfare of a minor may petition for appointment of a guardian. (b) The Court may appoint a guardian for a minor if the Court finds the appointment is in the minor’s best interest, and: (i) the parents’ consent; (ii) all parental rights have been terminated; or […]
(a) After a petition for appointment of a guardian is filed, the Court shall schedule a hearing, and the petitioner shall give notice of the time and place of the hearing, together with a copy of the petition, to: (1) the minor, if the minor has attained 14 years of age and is not the […]
(a) The Court shall appoint as guardian a person whose appointment will be in the best interest of the minor. The Court shall appoint a person nominated by the minor, if the minor has attained 14 years of age, unless the Court finds the appointment will be contrary to the best interest of the minor. […]
(a) Except as otherwise limited by the Court, a guardian of a minor ward has the duties and responsibilities of a parent regarding the ward’s support, care, education, health, and welfare. A guardian shall act at all times in the ward’s best interest and exercise reasonable care, diligence, and prudence. (b) A guardian shall: (1) […]
(a) Except as otherwise limited by the Court, a guardian of a minor ward has the powers of a parent regarding the ward’s support, care, education, health, and welfare. (b) A guardian may: (1) apply for and receive money for the support of the ward otherwise payable to the ward’s parent, guardian, or custodian under […]
(a) A guardian is entitled to reasonable compensation for services as guardian and to reimbursement for room, board, and clothing provided by the guardian to the ward, but only as approved by the Court. If a conservator, other than the guardian or a person who is affiliated with the guardian, has been appointed for the […]
(a) A guardianship of a minor terminates upon the minor’s death, adoption, emancipation or attainment of majority or as ordered by the Court. (b) A ward or a person interested in the welfare of a ward may petition for any order that is in the best interest of the ward. The petitioner shall give notice […]