(a) A veterans’ educational and recreational program is established in the Virgin Islands under the supervision of the Commissioner of Education. (b) The facilities of the program may include provision for elementary, secondary, or career and technical education and training, according to the demand or need therefor; and in accordance with standards and requirements set […]
Charges may be made of veterans enrolled in or participating in the program, for tuition and operating expenses which will be paid by the Veterans’ Administration in accordance with schedules and conditions authorized by contract or agreement with the Veterans’ Administration.
Persons other than veterans may be admitted to training under this program, provided they shall pay the same charges and fees required of veterans.
Insofar as compatible with the nature of this program, the Commissioner of Education and the Virgin Islands Board of Education shall perform the same functions and have the same responsibilities as in the regular program of the Department of Education.
Such agreements by the Governor or the Commissioner of Education with the Veterans’ Administration as may be necessary or proper for carrying out this program are authorized, ratified and approved.
The Director of the Division of Veterans Affairs, Office of the Governor may defray the actual costs of transportation, out of funds provided for the purpose, upon application, of any resident veteran of the Virgin Islands, for the purpose of attending school for career and technical or academic training, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico […]
Veterans who have received transportation assistance to study outside of the Virgin Islands shall be eligible to have the costs of their transportation back to the Virgin Islands defrayed, upon completion of the course of study. Application for such assistance shall be made to the Office of the Governor, Division of Veterans Affairs within three […]
The total costs of transportation granted to any one veteran, departing and returning to the Virgin Islands, shall not exceed $500.00; Provided, That a sum not to exceed 50% of this amount shall be granted for one-way transportation.
Any tax that may be levied by the Legislature on passenger tickets shall not be collectible from any veteran traveling from the Virgin Islands to Puerto Rico or continental United States for the purpose of attending school, whether transportation is being furnished in accordance with this chapter or otherwise. The Governor or the Government Secretary […]
A suitable sum, in accordance with the financial ability of the Government of the United States Virgin Islands, shall be provided in the budget each fiscal year, under a special item to be known as “Veterans Assistance for Education”, which sum shall be available for the purpose provided in sections 306–309, 311 of this title.
Veterans of the United States armed services resident in the Virgin Islands who are otherwise qualified, shall be permitted to attend, without fee or charge of any kind, any academic or career and technical courses conducted by the Department of Education in the Virgin Islands, whether held in the day or night.