Immediately after any person is adjudged mentally ill, the judge of the district court shall communicate with the Commissioner of Health and if notified by the latter that there is a vacancy in the institution or that the patient can be accommodated, he shall issue his warrant to the marshal or some other suitable person, […]
No warrant shall issue to convey a mentally ill person to the mental hospital if some relative or friend will undertake before the judge of the district court, to assume his care and restraint, and will execute a bond in the sum to be fixed by the judge, payable to the government of the Virgin […]
The proceedings in cases pursuant to this chapter shall be entered on record in the civil minutes of the district court by the clerk thereof. Before any patient is sent to the hospital, the judge shall cause a complete transcript of the proceedings to be made and certified by the clerk under the seal of […]
The following persons may be admitted into the mental hospital as patients— (1) All persons who have been adjudged mentally ill by the district court and ordered to be conveyed to the mental hospital and who are indigent. Such patients shall be known as “public patients”. (2) All persons who may be certified to be […]
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner of Health shall order a preliminary psychiatric evaluation of all mentally ill persons referred to him for treatment in a mental hospital. Such evaluation shall be conducted by either the hospital psychiatrist, a psychiatrist designated by the Commissioner, or the medical director of the hospital; and, […]
Before any person can be received in the mental hospital as a private patient, the parent or legal guardian of such person, or in case he has no parent or legal guardian, some near relative or other person interested in him shall present a written request to the Commissioner of Health for admission, setting forth […]
(a) All indigent public patients shall be kept and maintained at the expense of the government of the Virgin Islands. (b) All public patients not indigent shall be kept and maintained at the expense of the government of the Virgin Islands in the first instance, but in such cases the government shall be entitled to […]
(a) The expense of conveying all public patients to a mental hospital shall be borne by the government of the Virgin Islands and shall be paid upon sworn account of the officer or person performing such service, showing in detail the actual expense incurred in the transportation. (b) In case any public patient is possessed […]