It is declared that the establishment of a long-range comprehensive program for construction and improvement of roads and highways throughout the Virgin Islands is essential to the internal development of the Virgin Islands, and the works authorized under this chapter are declared essential public projects; the Governor of the Virgin Islands is authorized and directed […]
The Governor shall cause to be prepared, and shall submit to the Legislature of the Virgin Islands at the commencement of its regular session in 1959 a comprehensive report covering a long-range program for the construction and improvement of roads and highways throughout the Virgin Islands, over the next ten years, which report, in so […]
In addition to the initial report provided for in section 42 of this title, the Governor shall also submit at the commencement of each regular session of the Legislature, a plan for specific projects to be undertaken consistent with the long-range road highway program, together with a report on accomplishments under the program in preceding […]
In furtherance of the above, the Governor is authorized, through appropriate insular or cooperating Federal agencies to: (a) acquire improved or unimproved lands or interests in land by purchase, donation, exchange, or condemnation for any project herein authorized. (b) undertake, and prepare studies, investigations, estimates, plans and specifications, preliminary and final, of the projects authorized […]
Funds for the purpose of carrying out the projects authorized in this chapter, including preliminary and final surveys, studies, plans and estimates relative hereto, and for the purpose of insular contributions under any applicable Federal program of road or highway aid, shall be made available in annual appropriations by the Legislature out of funds derived […]
(a) The following definitions shall be applicable in this section: (1) “Utility” or “Utilities” shall include the public corporations, private companies and authorities, or agencies of the Government of the Virgin Islands that, pursuant to law or franchise, operate, maintain and/or supply public services to the Territory, such as water, electricity, gas, waste disposal, telephone, […]