(a) A permit shall be obtained for each installation of liquefied petroleum gas employing a container or an aggregate of inter-connected containers of over 2,000 gallons water capacity, and for each permanent installation, irrespective of size of containers, made at buildings in which people congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, social or recreational purposes. Such […]
All installations of liquefied petroleum gas equipment, including such equipment installed at utility gas plants, shall be in conformity with generally recognized standards for safety to persons and property. Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter or in other laws or regulations legally in effect, conformity with the Standards of the National Board of Fire […]
Within the limits established by law (fire zone) restricting the bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas for the protection of heavily populated or congested commercial areas, the aggregate capacity of any one installation shall not exceed 2,000 gallons water capacity; except that in particular installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of […]