For the purposes of this chapter, unless it is otherwise provided or the context requires a different construction, application or meaning— “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Labor or his authorized representative. “Employment Service” means the Virgin Islands Employment Service. “Minimum recruitment wage” means the wage paid for a particular occupation or skill as determined semiannually […]
Resident workers shall be given preference in employment in the Virgin Islands in any industry or occupation for which such workers are qualified and available. Nonresident workers shall be employed only to supplement the labor force of available and qualified resident workers. No resident worker shall suffer any reduction in his workweek below 40 hours […]
(a) The procedures set forth in this chapter shall not apply to the employment of domestic workers in private homes; Provided, That nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit compliance with any procedure now or hereafter required by the Employment Service in connection with such employment of domestic workers. (b) For the purposes of […]
(a) An employer applying for workers through the Employment Service shall, at the same time, file a signed copy of his application with the Commissioner and shall state (1) the place and nature of the employer’s business, (2) the number of workers desired and occupational qualifications of such workers, and (3) the wages to be […]
(a) If at any time subsequent to the employment of a nonresident worker pursuant to a clearance order the Commissioner, upon notice to such effect by the Employment Service or upon his own investigation, shall ascertain that there is available an occupationally qualified resident worker to fill the position of such nonresident worker, or if […]
Each employer who is engaged in business in the Virgin Islands shall keep and present immediately upon demand of the Commissioner up-to-date records with the following information: (1) number, names and addresses of employees in his employ; (2) status of each with respect to legal residence; (3) if bonded, their country of origin and date […]
The Commissioner shall determine prevailing wage rates after public notice and hearing, and shall cause the same to be published in newspapers of general circulation in the Territory. Such prevailing wage rates may also be advertised throughout the Territory to all interested parties by such suitable means and media as the Commissioner may determine. The […]
(a) The Commissioner shall investigate all complaints involving violations of these regulations, and after notice and hearing issue an order disposing of the matter. (b) The Commissioner may petition any court of competent jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands for the enforcement of an order issued under the provisions of this chapter, and the appropriate temporary […]
Anyone aggrieved by a decision or order of the Commissioner may appeal said decision to the Superior Court or the Court of competent jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands within ten days following the date of the decision or order. The commencement of any proceedings in any court shall not operate as a stay of compliance […]
Within 15 days after approval of this Act, the Commissioner shall issue, subject to the approval of the Governor, rules and regulations necessary or appropriate to effectuate the provisions of this chapter. Said rules and regulations shall become effective immediately and shall have the force and effect of law.
Any employer who wilfully violates the provisions of this chapter or of any rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each week or portion of week thereof during which an employer continues in wilful violation shall constitute a separate offense.
In addition to any other penalties prescribed by law, the Attorney General may bring action in any court in the Virgin Islands to restrain violations of this chapter.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as abrogating or interfering with the responsibility of the Employment Service to carry out rules and regulations promulgated by the United States Secretary of Labor for operation of affiliates of the United States Employment Service.