The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (i) there is a critical shortage of decent, safe, sanitary, aesthetically acceptable, high quality housing for persons of low and moderate income; (ii) there is considerable demand for owner-occupied single-family housing units and multifamily rental housing for such persons; (iii) new housing must be provided at a cost […]
(a) It is the express purpose of this Act that the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority, (hereinafter “VIHFA”), as an independent instrumentality of the Government, shall operate the Affordable Housing Program for low and moderate income persons under this Act. The VIHFA shall cooperate with each other so that the criteria established for qualification as […]
As used in this Act, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) “Act” means the Low and Moderate Income Affordable Housing Act of 1990. (b) “Affordable housing” means, with respect to living accommodations, a dwelling unit for which a household pays, with regard to a unit for sale, […]