As used in this chapter, except as otherwise specifically provided: (a) “Cogeneration facility” means a facility which produces: (1) electric energy, and (2) steam or forms of useful energy (such as heat) which are used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes. (b) “Commission” means the Public Services Commission of the Virgin Islands. (c) “Electric […]
(a) Upon application of any qualifying cogenerator, or qualifying small power producer, the Commission may issue an order requiring: (1) the physical connection of any cogeneration facility, small power production facility, or the transmission facilities of any electric utility, with the facilities of such applicant; (2) such action as may be necessary to make effective […]
An educational small power production facility shall sell its power solely and directly to the University of the Virgin Islands under such terms and conditions as are acceptable to the University.
(a) No order may be issued by the Commission under section 47 of this chapter unless the Commission determines that such order: (1) is not likely to result in a reasonably ascertainable uncompensated economic loss for the electric utility, qualifying cogenerator, or qualifying small power producer affected by the order; and (2) will not place […]
(a) Not later than one year after October 17, 1984, the Commission shall prescribe and implement, and, from time to time thereafter, revise such rules for each electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority, as it determines necessary to encourage cogeneration and small power production as well as to require electric utilities to offer […]
Electrical safety requirements and the electrical interconnection between the utility and the qualifying facility shall conform to the latest edition of the National Electric Code, as promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association.