§ 120. Magistrate Division
There is established in the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands a Magistrate Division in which the procedure, unless otherwise specified, is in accordance with the rules governing the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands.
There is established in the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands a Magistrate Division in which the procedure, unless otherwise specified, is in accordance with the rules governing the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands.
The Magistrate Division consists of no fewer than two magistrate judges per judicial district and other officers and employees as the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court subject to the authority of the Supreme Court considers necessary for the proper administration and performance of the duties and functions of the division. Each magistrate judge shall […]
(a) The Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands shall appoint magistrate judges from a list of nominees submitted to the Superior Court by magistrate judge selection panel of the Superior Court pursuant to subsection (e) of this section. Magistrate judges may be appointed by the Presiding Judge for a term of […]
(a) Each magistrate judge may: (1) administer oaths and affirmations and issue civil and criminal process, including warrants of arrest, search warrants, subpoenas, and orders, including orders for the release on bail, for detention of persons pending trial and for contempt; (2) take acknowledgments, affidavits and depositions; (3) conduct marriages; (4) hear all non-felony traffic […]
(a) For purposes of this chapter, the term, “traffic offense”, means any conduct or violation of the provisions of titles 20 and 23 of the Virgin Islands Code and related regulations, relating to motor vehicles or pedestrians, or a moving or non-moving violation, which is punishable by a fine or a period of imprisonment of […]
All appeals from the Magistrate Division, except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, must be filed in the Superior Court or to the Supreme Court, if appealable to the Supreme Court as provided by law.
The Supreme Court shall promulgate rules and amendments to the Rules of the Superior Court as necessary to implement this chapter effectively.