(a) To more effectively carry out the intentions and purposes of this section and §§ 11-7-409 — 11-7-414, the Director of the Division of Labor may administer oaths to all persons who are applicants, or who may vouch, in any manner, for the previous service or qualifications of an applicant to obtain for him or […]
(a) No fire bosses, hoisting engineers, or mine foremen shall be employed in any mine in the State of Arkansas unless they have been examined by the Division of Labor or the division determines that comparable testing criteria have been met in another jurisdiction. (b) No one shall act as State Mine Inspector or Assistant […]
(a) (1) The Director of the Division of Labor shall grant certificates after examination by the Division of Labor or a determination by the division that the testing requirements have been satisfied in another jurisdiction. (2) The certificates shall be granted to all applicants who through these testing procedures have shown themselves to be familiar […]
In case of loss or destruction of a certificate, the Director of the Division of Labor, upon satisfactory proof of the loss or destruction, may issue a duplicate on the payment of the sum of one dollar ($1.00).
(a) All certificates issued pursuant to this subchapter may be revoked by the Director of the Division of Labor after a hearing upon due notice to the holder of the certificate and upon written charges preferred by the director or by some interested person for violation of this section and §§ 11-7-403 — 11-7-405 and […]
Any person who shall forge, alter, or counterfeit a certificate, shall secure or attempt to secure employment by use of the forged, altered, or counterfeited certificate, or shall falsely represent that he is a holder of a certificate regularly issued him shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(a) Any owner, operator, lessee, or agent of any coal mine in the State of Arkansas violating any of the provisions of § 11-7-401 and §§ 11-7-403 — 11-7-407 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Upon conviction, he or she shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one […]
(a) The term “coal miner” as used in §§ 11-7-402 and 11-7-410 — 11-7-414, unless the context otherwise requires, shall be construed to mean any person working underground or in development in shafts, slopes, drifts, or tunnels for the extraction or production of coal or rock. (b) The term “coal miner” in strip pit operation […]
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to work as a coal miner in any coal mine in this state without first having a certificate of qualification and competency to do so from the Director of the Division of Labor, nor shall any person, firm, or corporation employ as a coal miner in his […]
(a) The Director of the Division of Labor shall hold sufficient examinations each year in places to be determined by the director, which, in his or her opinion, will be most convenient to applicants desiring to engage in the business of coal mining. (b) All examinations held by the director shall be conducted in the […]
(a) A person making application for a coal miner’s certificate of competency and qualification shall be granted a temporary permit to work until such time as an examination is held by the Director of the Division of Labor and if, in the judgment of the director, he or she is so qualified. (b) All fees […]
(a) Any certified miner may have one (1) person working with him or her and under his or her direction, in addition to any member of his or her immediate family, as an apprentice for the purpose of learning the business of coal mining and becoming qualified to obtain a certificate in conformity with the […]
The Director of the Division of Labor shall possess powers to issue duplicate certificates and revoke certificates in all cases as provided in §§ 11-7-405 and 11-7-406.