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§ 11-9-501. Limitations on compensation — Death and disability

(a) (1) Compensation to the injured employee shall not be allowed for the first seven (7) days’ disability resulting from injury, excluding the day of injury. (2) If a disability extends beyond that period, compensation shall commence with the ninth day of disability. (3) If a disability extends for a period of two (2) weeks, […]

§ 11-9-502. Limitations on compensation — Exceptions

(a) The benefits shall be paid for a period not to exceed four hundred fifty (450) weeks of disability, except that this limitation shall not apply in cases of permanent total disability or death. (b) (1) (A) For injuries occurring on or after March 1, 1981, but on or before December 31, 2007, and a […]

§ 11-9-503. Violation of safety provisions

(a) (1) Notwithstanding any other definition of extra-hazardous employer as provided by § 11-9-409(c), any employer who fails to utilize the consultative safety services available through the Division of Labor, its own insurance carrier, or a private safety consultant shall be identified as an extra-hazardous employer if it is established by a preponderance of the […]

§ 11-9-504. Additional compensation — Illegally employed minor

(a) Where an injury or death is sustained by a minor employed in violation of federal or state statutes pertaining to minimum ages for employment of minors, compensation or death benefits provided for by this chapter shall be doubled. (b) However, the penalty shall not apply when the minor misrepresents his or her age, in […]

§ 11-9-505. Additional compensation — Rehabilitation

(a) (1) Any employer who without reasonable cause refuses to return an employee who is injured in the course of employment to work, where suitable employment is available within the employee’s physical and mental limitations, upon order of the Workers’ Compensation Commission, and in addition to other benefits, shall be liable to pay to the […]

§ 11-9-506. Limitations on compensation — Recipients of unemployment benefits

(a) Any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, no compensation in any amount for temporary total, temporary partial, or permanent total disability shall be payable to an injured employee with respect to any week for which the injured employee receives unemployment insurance benefits under the Division of Workforce Services Law, § 11-10-101 […]

§ 11-9-507. Special project to improve safety

(a) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, the Workers’ Compensation Commission shall allocate one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to a special project for the following purposes: (1) Identification of industries or jobs having a high incidence of injuries; (2) Determination of the causes of injuries of which there is a high incidence; and […]

§ 11-9-508. Medical services and supplies — Liability of employer — Definition

(a) (1) The employer shall promptly provide for an injured employee such medical, surgical, hospital, chiropractic, optometric, podiatric, and nursing services and medicine, crutches, ambulatory devices, artificial limbs, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, and other apparatus as may be reasonably necessary in connection with the injury received by the employee. (2) (A) Rabies is a […]

§ 11-9-509. Medical services and supplies — Amounts and time periods

The amounts payable or time periods allowable for authorized medical, hospital, and other services and treatment furnished under §§ 11-9-508 — 11-9-516, unless waived by the employer-respondent or approved by the Workers’ Compensation Commission and warranted by the preponderance of the evidence on the basis of the record as a whole, are: (1) Six (6) […]

§ 11-9-511. Medical services and supplies — Physical examination

(a) An injured employee claiming to be entitled to compensation shall submit to such physical examination and treatment by another qualified physician, designated or approved by the Workers’ Compensation Commission, as the commission may require from time to time if reasonable and necessary. (b) The places of examination and treatment shall be reasonably convenient for […]

§ 11-9-512. Medical services and supplies — Refusal to submit to operation

Except in cases of hernia, which are specifically covered by § 11-9-523, where an injured person unreasonably refuses to submit to a surgical operation which has been advised by at least two (2) qualified physicians and where the recommended operation does not involve unreasonable risk of life or additional serious physical impairment, the Workers’ Compensation […]

§ 11-9-513. Medical services and supplies — Approval of charges

(a) All persons who render services or provide things mentioned in §§ 11-9-508 — 11-9-516 shall submit the reasonableness of the charges to the Workers’ Compensation Commission for its approval, and, when so approved, the charges shall be enforceable by the commission in the same manner as is provided for the enforcement of compensation payments. […]

§ 11-9-514. Medical services and supplies — Change of physician

(a) (1) If the employee selects a physician, the Workers’ Compensation Commission shall not authorize a change of physician unless the employee first establishes to the satisfaction of the commission that there is a compelling reason or circumstance justifying a change. (2) (A) If the employer selects a physician, the claimant may petition the commission […]

§ 11-9-515. Medical services and supplies — Spiritual treatment

(a) When an employer and employee so agree in writing, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent an employee whose injury or disability has been established in accordance with the provisions of this chapter from relying in good faith on treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone, in accordance with the tenets and […]

§ 11-9-516. Medical services and supplies — Information furnished by provider

(a) (1) Every hospital or other person furnishing the injured employee with medical services shall permit its records to be copied by and shall furnish full written information to the Workers’ Compensation Commission, the Workers’ Compensation Fraud Investigation Unit, the employer, the carrier, and the employee or the employee’s dependents. (2) The reasonable cost of […]

§ 11-9-517. Medical services and supplies — Rules

The Workers’ Compensation Commission is authorized to establish rules, including schedules of maximum allowable fees for specified medical services rendered with respect to compensable injuries, for the purpose of controlling the cost of medical and hospital services and supplies provided pursuant to §§ 11-9-508 — 11-9-516.

§ 11-9-518. Weekly wages as basis for compensation

(a) (1) Compensation shall be computed on the average weekly wage earned by the employee under the contract of hire in force at the time of the accident and in no case shall be computed on less than a full-time workweek in the employment. (2) Where the injured employee was working on a piece basis, […]

§ 11-9-519. Compensation for disability — Total disability

(a) In case of total disability, there shall be paid to the injured employee during the continuance of the total disability sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of his or her average weekly wage. (b) In the absence of clear and convincing proof to the contrary, the loss of both hands, both arms, both legs, […]

§ 11-9-520. Compensation for disability — Temporary partial disability

In case of temporary partial disability resulting in the decrease of the injured employee’s average weekly wage, there shall be paid to the employee sixty-six and two-thirds percent (662/3%) of the difference between the employee’s average weekly wage prior to the accident and his or her wage-earning capacity after the injury.