(a) The county quorum courts of the several counties shall have the power and authority to establish, maintain, and operate county public libraries or public library services or systems in the manner and with the functions prescribed in this subchapter, and counties may appropriate money for these purposes. (b) The county quorum court shall also […]
(a) No person shall be appointed to the office of county librarian unless prior to appointment the person is recommended for appointment by the county library board, if the board has been created. (b) The county librarian shall conduct the library according to the most acceptable library methods.
In any county in this state which is divided into two (2) districts and which has two (2) county seats, each district of the county may be considered as an individual county for the purpose of levying a county library tax under the provisions of Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 38.
(a) (1) All tax and other county-appropriated funds of the county public library shall be in the custody of the county treasurer and shall constitute a separate fund, to be known as the “county public library fund”. (2) (A) A county that supports a county public library or library system with a library tax under […]
(a) The governing board of any county public library is authorized to use any surplus funds available in the operating or maintenance account of the public library for matching federal or other funds available for financing necessary expansions or improvements of the public library. (b) Before using any of the funds for the purposes of […]
(a) Any county public library may extend the privilege and use of the library and library services to persons residing outside the county upon the terms and conditions as the library boards may prescribe by regulation or policy. (b) In addition, reasonable reimbursements may be collected by the county public library for providing any special […]
(a) (1) Any county library board, with the consent of its county quorum court, the board of trustees of any municipal public library, any group of municipal public libraries, and any combination of counties and cities may contract with each other or among themselves to create, maintain, and support a joint city-county public library system […]
(a) In addition to any penalties prescribed and notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Arkansas Library Materials Security Law, § 13-2-801 et seq., the county quorum court shall have the power to pass ordinances imposing suitable penalties for the punishment of persons committing injury upon library grounds or property or injuring or failing […]
When a petition is filed as authorized in Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 38, as amended by Amendment 72, to submit to the electors of a county the question of levying, increasing, decreasing, or repealing a county library tax and the petition or the sponsor of the petition requests that the question be submitted at a special […]