It is found and declared: (1) That there are communities and areas in this state which have suffered from, and are threatened by, floods and the incidents and hazards of flooding; (2) That flooding in the areas causes destruction of life and property, contributes to the spread of disaster-related diseases, and constitutes a hindrance to […]
As used in this chapter: (1) “Commission” means the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission; (2) “Floodplain administrator” means the person designated by a city, town, or county to administer and implement this chapter and other federal and state laws and local ordinances and regulations relating to the management of flood-prone areas; and (3) “Flood-prone areas” means […]
(a) Any person or corporation who violates any measure adopted under this chapter which prohibits the development of land by improvements that are exposed to flood damage or that are threatened by flood hazards may be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for each offense. (b) Each day during which a violation exists […]
(a) In addition to all other powers, and notwithstanding any provision of any other law, each city, town, or county in this state is authorized to enact, adopt, and enforce ordinances, building or zoning codes, or other appropriate measures regulating, restricting, or controlling the management and use of land, structures, and other developments in flood-prone […]
Every structure, building, fill, or development placed or maintained within any flood-prone area in violation of measures enacted under the authority of this chapter is a public nuisance. The creation of any of these may be enjoined and the maintenance thereof may be abated by action or suit of any city, town, or county, the […]
(a) Each county, city, or town ordinance adopted under this chapter shall designate a person to serve as the floodplain administrator to administer and implement the ordinance and any local codes and regulations relating to the management of flood-prone areas. (b) Beginning July 1, 2004, each floodplain administrator shall become accredited by the Arkansas Natural […]