The terms and provisions of this chapter shall only be applicable for the creation of bridge districts for the construction, operation, and maintenance of interstate bridges and approaches thereto over and across the navigable rivers where the river forms a state boundary. Bridges to be constructed under the terms and provisions of this chapter can […]
(a) When the circuit court has established the bridge district, it shall appoint five (5) owners of real property within the district to act as commissioners. (b) Each commissioner shall take the oath of office required by the Arkansas Constitution, Article 19, Section 20, and shall also swear that he will not, directly or indirectly, […]
The board of commissioners shall have the power to employ engineers, attorneys, auditors, manager, or superintendent, and such other employees as may be necessary for the orderly functioning of the district and to fix their respective compensation.
(a) As soon as the board of commissioners shall have formed plans for the bridge and the approaches thereto, and shall have ascertained the cost thereof, it shall file the plans with the circuit clerk. (b) The plans shall be accompanied by a map showing the location of the bridge and the approaches thereto, together […]
(a) When twenty-five (25) or more owners of real property within a proposed district shall petition the circuit court of the county in which the largest portion of the lands of the proposed district are situated to establish a bridge district to construct, maintain, and operate an interstate bridge and the approaches thereto embracing their […]
(a) The circuit clerk shall thereupon give notice by publication for two (2) weeks in some newspaper published and having a general circulation in the counties within which the lands of the proposed district are situated, calling upon all persons owning property therein to appear before the court on the day and date fixed by […]
(a) The board of commissioners shall proceed to assess the lands within the district and shall inscribe in a book the description of each tract, piece, and parcel of land and assess the benefits to accrue to each tract, piece, and parcel of land by reason of such improvement and shall enter the assessment of […]
(a) When the assessment of benefits is completed, the board of commissioners shall subscribe the assessment and file it with the circuit clerk where it shall be kept and preserved as a public record. (b) Upon the filing of the assessment of benefits, the circuit clerk shall give notice of filing by publication for two […]
(a) When the assessment of benefits has been made and filed, as provided herein, the property owner shall have the right to pay such assessment of benefits in full within sixty (60) days thereafter, but, if he does not avail himself of this privilege, the assessment of benefits shall bear interest at the rate of […]
(a) The circuit court, in determining the question of whether the cost of the improvement exceeds the benefits, shall be required to take into consideration only the amount that the district will be required to pay for the cost of the improvement. It shall credit against the total cost of the bridge and approaches thereto […]
(a) (1) The circuit court shall, at the time the assessment of benefits is filed or at any subsequent time when called upon by the commissioners of the district, enter upon its records an order which shall have the force of a judgment, providing that there shall be assessed upon the real property of the […]
(a) The amount of taxes provided for in this chapter shall be annually extended upon the tax books of the county by the county clerk. The tax shall be collected by the collector of the county along with other taxes. For his services in making the collection, the collector shall receive the same compensation he […]
If the tax first levied shall prove insufficient to complete the improvement or to pay the bonds, both principal and interest, issued by the board of commissioners for the improvement, as provided in this chapter, as the principal and interest shall become due and payable, then the board of commissioners shall from time to time […]
In order to carry out the purposes for which the district is organized and created, the board of commissioners may borrow money at a rate of interest not exceeding six percent (6%) per annum and issue negotiable bonds therefor signed by the chairman or vice chairman and secretary when so authorized by the board of […]
(a) All bonds issued by the board of commissioners shall be secured by a lien on all lands, railroads, and tramroads in the district. The board of commissioners shall be required to levy a tax annually and to collect the tax under the provisions of this chapter so long as it is necessary and required […]
(a) If the board of commissioners shall have ascertained that the construction, maintenance, and operation of the interstate bridge can be financed in whole or in part by the issuance of revenue bonds payable from the tolls so charged and collected, then the board of commissioners is given and granted the full power and authority […]
All interstate bridges shall be constructed under the terms and provisions of the “General Bridge Act of 1946” and any act amendatory thereto.
(a) The board of commissioners is granted the right and power to construct, operate, and maintain the bridge as a toll bridge. It shall have the power to fix and determine, subject to the terms and provisions of the General Bridge Act, the tolls to be charged for transit over the bridge for motor-propelled vehicles, […]
(a) For the purpose of carrying into effect the objects and purposes of this chapter, the board of commissioners shall have full power and authority to: (1) Negotiate and enter into contracts with the federal government or any of its agencies, the State Highway Commission, or the state highway commission of any adjoining state where […]
(a) The board of commissioners acting for and on behalf of the district shall have the right, power, and authority to purchase, hold, and possess real estate necessary for the purposes for which the district was organized. In addition thereto, the district organized under this chapter shall have the right of eminent domain. (b) If […]