§ 15-14-101. Title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Retirement Community Program Act”.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Retirement Community Program Act”.
As used in this chapter: (1) “Association” means the Arkansas Association of Development Organizations; and (2) “Program” means the Arkansas Retirement Community Program.
(a) The Arkansas Association of Development Organizations shall establish and maintain an Arkansas Retirement Community Program under which retirees and potential retirees are encouraged to make their homes in Arkansas communities that have met the criteria for certification by the association as an Arkansas retirement community. (b) The mission of the program is to: (1) […]
(a) To be eligible to be an Arkansas retirement community, an applicant community, acting through a board or panel that serves as the applicant community’s official program sponsor, shall: (1) Complete a retiree desirability assessment, as developed by the Arkansas Association of Development Organizations, to include facts regarding crime statistics, tax information, recreational opportunities, housing […]
(a) If the Arkansas Association of Development Organizations finds that an applicant community successfully meets the requirements of an Arkansas retirement community, not later than ninety (90) days after the application is submitted, the association shall certify the community and provide the following services to the community, to the extent to which funds are available: […]
An Arkansas retirement community’s certification under § 15-14-105 expires on the fifth anniversary of the date the initial certification is issued. To be considered for recertification by the Arkansas Association of Development Organizations, an Arkansas retirement community must: (1) Complete and submit a new application in accordance with the requirements of § 15-14-104(a); and (2) […]
The Arkansas Retirement Community Program Fund Account is created on the books of the Treasurer of State, the Auditor of State, and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State and shall be funded by the fees collected under § 15-14-104. All moneys collected under the account shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the […]
The Arkansas Association of Development Organizations, Inc., after having received input from the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, shall promulgate rules to implement this chapter.