As authorized by § 16-13-3302, in the absence or unavailability of the trial court administrator the circuit judge may temporarily employ the services of a substitute trial court administrator if the temporary employment is essential to prevent a disruption of the business of the court.
(a) When a circuit judge temporarily employs a substitute trial court administrator, the circuit judge may certify to the Administrative Office of the Courts upon forms prepared by the office that he or she has temporarily employed a substitute trial court administrator and that the temporary employment was essential to prevent a disruption of the […]
(a) The Administrative Office of the Courts may pay from funds specifically appropriated for this purpose a substitute trial court administrator for the services furnished to the circuit judge under this subchapter. (b) The substitute trial court administrator shall be paid at the rate of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) per day.
(a) If a substitute trial court administrator is employed for a period that extends beyond the normal payroll period for the position, the Administrative Office of the Courts shall make an interim disbursement of the salary that has accrued during that period. (b) In any one (1) fiscal year, however, the office shall not pay […]
This chapter does not preclude or prohibit any circuit judge from obtaining payment for the services of a substitute trial court administrator from the county or counties composing the circuit judge’s judicial district rather than from the Administrative Office of the Courts.