US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


§ 16-19-1103. Amendment of return

Whenever the court is satisfied that the return of the record of the proceedings of the justice of the peace is substantially defective, the court may by rule and attachment compel him to amend the return.

§ 16-19-1105. Trial on appeal

(a) Upon the return of the justice of the peace being filed in the clerk’s office, the court shall be in possession of the cause and shall proceed to hear, try, and determine the cause anew on its merits, without any regard to any error, defect, or other imperfection in the proceedings of the justice […]

§ 16-19-1106. Dismissal or failure to prosecute appeal — Effect

If the party appealing moves to dismiss in the circuit court or fails to prosecute his appeal, it shall be at the option of the appellee either to proceed to trial on the appeal or have judgment rendered for the amount of the original judgment and costs where it was in his favor or in […]

§ 16-19-1107. Judgment on appeal and proceedings thereon

In all cases of appeal from a justice of the peace, if the judgment of the justice of the peace is affirmed or if on the new trial in the circuit court the judgment is against the appellant, the judgment shall be rendered against the appellant and his securities in the bond or obligation for […]