It is the intent and purpose of this subchapter to clarify the posting law of this state. However, this subchapter does not set forth the exclusive method by which a property owner or lessee may notify persons to not enter or remain upon their property, nor does this subchapter repeal or modify § 18-11-301 et […]
For the purposes of this subchapter, the term “recreational purposes” includes, but is not limited to, any of the following, or any combination thereof: (1) Hunting; (2) Fishing; (3) Trapping; (4) Swimming; (5) Boating; (6) Camping; (7) Picnicking; (8) Hiking; (9) Pleasure driving; (10) Nature study; (11) Water skiing; (12) Winter sports; and (13) Viewing […]
(a) (1) No person shall enter for recreational purposes upon real property posted pursuant to this subchapter without written permission of the owner or lessee of the real property. (2) It shall be unlawful for any person to enter upon any real property posted under the provisions of this subchapter without the written consent of […]
The owner or lessee of any forest land may post the land by any of the following methods: (1) (A) By placing signs around the boundaries of the property at points no more than one hundred feet (100′) apart and at each point of entry. (B) The signs shall bear the words “posted” or “no […]
The owner or lessee of any real property other than forest land, including cultivated land, orchards, pasture land, impoundments, or other real property, may post such real property by any of the following methods: (1) (A) By placing signs around the boundaries of the property at points no more than one thousand feet (1,000′) apart […]
(a) (1) The color of paint prescribed by the Arkansas Forestry Commission for posting purposes shall not be used on trees or posts for any other purpose. (2) Any person who knowingly paints such color on any tree or post for any purpose other than posting real property pursuant to this subchapter shall be guilty […]