§ 18-12-701. Title
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Disbursement of Funds as Part of Real Estate Closing and Settlement Services Act”.
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Disbursement of Funds as Part of Real Estate Closing and Settlement Services Act”.
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Available for immediate withdrawal as a matter of right” means the following: (A) For any item or draft, when the item or draft has been submitted for collection and payment received; and (B) For any deposited item or draft, when final settlement has occurred; (2) “Closing and settlement services” […]
(a) (1) No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity that provides closing and settlement services for a real estate transaction shall disburse funds as a part of such services until those funds have been received and are available for immediate withdrawal as a matter of right from the financial institution in which the funds […]