§ 18-15-1201. Definition
The words “right-of-way”, as used in this subchapter, shall mean all grounds necessary for side tracks, turnouts, depots, workshops, water stations, and other necessary buildings.
The words “right-of-way”, as used in this subchapter, shall mean all grounds necessary for side tracks, turnouts, depots, workshops, water stations, and other necessary buildings.
(a) (1) Any railroad, telegraph, or telephone company, organized under the laws of this state, after having surveyed and located its lines of railroad, telegraph, or telephone, in all cases in which the companies fail to obtain the right-of-way over the property by agreement with the owner of the property through which the lines of […]
In all cases of infants or persons with mental illness, when no legal representative or guardian appears in their behalf at the hearing, it shall be the duty of the court to appoint a guardian ad litem, who shall represent their interests for all purposes.
(a) It shall be the duty of the court to impanel a jury of twelve (12) persons, as in other civil cases, to ascertain the amount of compensation which the company shall pay. The matter shall proceed and be determined as other civil causes. (b) The amount of damages to be paid the owner of […]
(a) In all cases in which damages for the right-of-way for the use of any railroad company have been assessed in the manner provided in this subchapter, it shall be the duty of the railroad company to deposit with the court or pay to the owners the amount so assessed and pay such costs as, […]
(a) In cases in which the determination of questions in controversy in the proceedings is likely to retard the progress of work on or the business of the railroad company, the court, or judge in vacation, shall designate an amount of money to be deposited by the company, subject to the order of the court, […]
In all cases in which the company shall not pay or deposit the amount of damages assessed within thirty (30) days after the assessment the company shall forfeit all rights in the premises.