(a) Any corporation organized by virtue of the laws of this state for the purpose of developing and producing mineral oil, petroleum, or natural gas in this state, and marketing it, or transporting or conveying it by means of pipes from the point of production to any other point, either to refine or to market […]
(a) (1) Whenever a corporation desires to construct a pipeline or build a logging railway upon or under the lands of individuals, or right-of-way of any railroad, or any turnpike, the corporation, by its agents, shall have the right to enter peacefully upon the lands or rights-of-way and survey, locate, and lay out its pipeline, […]
In the event any company fails, upon application to individuals, railroads, or turnpike companies, to secure the right-of-way by consent, contract, or agreement, then the corporation shall have the right to proceed to procure the condemnation of the property, lands, rights, privileges, and easements in the manner provided by law for taking private property for […]
When a logging railroad or tram road is abandoned, the right-of-way shall revert to the owners of the lands over which it crosses.