(a) All cities of the first class and cities of the second class and incorporated towns, cemetery or burial associations, and persons owning land used for public burial purposes in the State of Arkansas are given and granted the right of eminent domain to condemn, take, and use land for public burial purposes. (b) Power […]
No property shall be condemned and taken for public burial purposes by any city of the first class or city of the second class or incorporated town, cemetery or burial association, or persons owning land used for public burial purposes without the concurrence in the bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances directing the same of two-thirds (2/3) […]
(a) When it shall be deemed necessary by the city or town, cemetery or burial association, or persons owning land used for public burial purposes to take private property for burial purposes, an application in writing shall be made to the circuit court of the proper county or the judge thereof in vacation, describing as […]
If it shall appear to the court or judge that notice has been served ten (10) days before the time of application, or has been published, and that the notice is reasonably specific and certain, then the court or judge shall set a time for the inquiry into the assessment of compensation by a jury […]
(a) A jury shall be summoned for the purpose of making the inquiry in the same manner that petit jurors are summoned in the circuit court for other purposes when the circuit court is regularly in session. If the hearing is before the judge out of term time, then the jury shall be summoned on […]
(a) The jury shall hear the evidence and determine the amount of compensation to be paid to the owners of the property so condemned. (b) (1) In case of dispute as to the ownership, title, or interest of the property condemned, the amount of compensation determined by the jury may be paid into the court […]
The cost of the condemnation proceedings provided for in this subchapter shall be paid by the city or town, cemetery or burial association, or persons owning land used for public burial purposes instituting the condemnation proceeding, except costs of review or appeal or any other proceeding taken by the owner of the property after the […]
(a) If a cemetery located on land of a private landowner has been open to public use for a period of at least fifty (50) years, then the cemetery shall be deemed to be public property unless: (1) The property has been enclosed by the landowner for at least one (1) year prior to an […]