(a) All public landings shall be laid out, opened, and established in a manner agreeable to the provisions of this subchapter. (b) The county court of each county shall have full power and authority to make and enforce all orders necessary for the establishment of public landings.
(a) (1) Previous to any petition being presented for a public landing, notice shall be given by publication in some newspaper published in the county, if there is one. (2) If there is no newspaper published in the county, then notice shall be given by advertisement set up in three (3) public places in the […]
(a) Any five (5) or more freeholders residing in any county bordering on the Mississippi River or any other navigable river, bayou, bay, or inlet may petition the county court of that county to cause a lot of ground on the bank of the river, bayou, bay, or inlet to be designated and set apart […]
All petitions for the laying out and establishment of public landings shall specify the land which is sought to be made a public landing.
(a) On presentation of the petition and proof of notice of publication as provided in § 18-15-902, and the county court being satisfied that proper notice has been given in accordance with the provisions of § 18-15-907, the court shall appoint three (3) disinterested citizens of the county as viewers. (b) The viewers shall be […]
The county court shall issue its order directing viewers to proceed on the day to be named in the order or, on their failure to meet on that date, within five (5) days thereafter, to: (1) View, survey, lay out, and establish the public landing; (2) Determine whether the public convenience requires that the public […]
(a) (1) It shall be the duty of one (1) of the petitioners to give at least five (5) days’ notice in writing to the owners or their agents, if residing within the county. (2) If the owner is a minor, an individual with intellectual disabilities, or an individual with mental illness, then a petitioner […]
(a) (1) It shall be the duty of the viewers to meet at the time and place specified in the order or within five (5) days thereafter. (2) (A) After taking an oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of their appointments respectively, the viewers shall take to their assistance a surveyor […]
The viewers may call a surveyor to assist them in laying out and surveying any public landing that they may be ordered by the court to lay out and establish.
(a) On receiving the report of the viewers, the county court shall cause the report to be read publicly upon the second day of the term. (b) If no objection shall be made to the report and the court is satisfied that the public landing will be of sufficient importance to the public as to […]
After any public landing as provided in this subchapter has been established and declared to be a public landing, the county court shall cause an order to be issued to the overseer of the road district in which the landing is located to open and maintain the landing as a public landing.
The right to have the county court review the proceedings to establish the public landing and the right to appeal from the final decision of the county court shall: (1) Be the same as provided by law; and (2) Be exercised in the same manner as provided by the statutes and laws of Arkansas for […]
In all cases in which damages for land proposed to be taken for the establishment of a public landing have been assessed in the manner provided in this subchapter and an order has been made for the payment to the owners of the amount so assessed, then it shall and may be lawful for the […]
(a) When the determination of questions in controversy in these proceedings is liable to inconvenience the public, the county court or the county judge, in vacation, shall designate an amount of money to be deposited by the petitioners, subject to the order of the court, for the purpose of making compensation and paying such damages […]
(a) The county court may lease a public landing for a term not exceeding three (3) years and the lessee shall transact there only a general receiving and forwarding business. (b) In case of a lease, the county court shall fix, with power to alter, the schedules of rates and charges for receiving and forwarding […]
(a) For each day necessarily employed, to be charged as costs and expenses and paid out of the county treasury, all persons required to render services under the provisions of this subchapter shall receive: (1) As viewers or reviewers, one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per day; (2) As chain carriers or markers, one dollar […]