As used in this subchapter: (1) “Attending physician” has the meaning provided in § 20-17-201; (2) [Repealed.] (3) [Repealed.] (4) “Do Not Resuscitate Identification” means a standardized identification card, form, necklace, or bracelet of uniform size and design, approved by the Department of Health, that signifies: (A) That the possessor has executed an advance directive […]
(a) The following are not subject to civil or criminal liability and are not guilty of unprofessional conduct upon discovery of Do Not Resuscitate Identification upon a person: (1) A physician who causes the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures from that person; (2) A person who participates in the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining […]
(a) Qualified emergency medical services personnel may follow Emergency Medical Services Do Not Resuscitate Orders pertaining to adult patients in the prehospital setting in accordance with rules promulgated by the State Board of Health, if the order available to the personnel is in a format approved by the Department of Health. (b) This section shall […]
(a) Emergency medical services personnel other than physicians shall comply with the Do Not Resuscitate Protocol when presented with either Do Not Resuscitate Identification approved by the Department of Health, an oral Do Not Resuscitate Order issued directly by a physician, or a written Do Not Resuscitate Order entered on a form prescribed by the […]
(a) Death resulting from the withholding or withdrawal of emergency life-sustaining procedures pursuant to the Do Not Resuscitate Protocol and in accordance with this subchapter is not for any purpose a suicide or homicide. (b) The possession of Do Not Resuscitate Identification pursuant to this subchapter does not affect in any manner the sale, procurement, […]
(a) Upon the adoption of an Emergency Medical Services Do Not Resuscitate Protocol by the State Board of Health, the Department of Health may adopt a standard form of Do Not Resuscitate Identification to be used statewide. (b) The department shall adopt rules to administer the provisions of this subchapter.
(a) An advance directive executed in another state shall be deemed to be validly executed for the purposes of this subchapter if executed in compliance with the laws of the State of Arkansas or the laws of the state where executed. (b) Such advance directives shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the […]
(a) A physician who willfully fails to transfer a patient in accordance with § 20-13-904 is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. (b) A person who purposely conceals, cancels, defaces, or obliterates the Do Not Resuscitate Identification of another without the consent of the possessor or who falsifies or forges a revocation of the Do […]