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Home » US Law » 2020 Arkansas Code » Title 21 - Public Officers and Employees » Chapter 1 - General Provisions » Subchapter 4 - Constitutional Officers and Their Spouses

§ 21-1-401. Definitions

For purposes of this subchapter: (1) “Constitutional officer” means Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Attorney General, Commissioner of State Lands, Auditor of State, member of the Arkansas House of Representatives, and member of the Arkansas Senate; and (2) “State agency” means every board, commission, department, division, institution, and other office of […]

§ 21-1-402. Restrictions on other employment

(a) (1) Subject to any restriction or condition prescribed by the Arkansas Constitution and except as provided under subdivisions (a)(2) and (3) of this section and subsection (f) of this section, and unless the person resigns before entering into the employment, a person elected to a constitutional office, after being elected to the constitutional office […]

§ 21-1-403. Restrictions on lease agreements, contracts, and grants

(a) No constitutional officer may enter into any lease agreement, contract, or grant with any state agency unless: (1) The lease agreement, contract, or grant is awarded as a result of competitive bidding or a request for proposal and the constitutional officer played no role, directly or indirectly, in the administrative: (A) Determination of specifications […]

§ 21-1-404. Rules — Disclosure statement

(a) The Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration is authorized to promulgate and implement any necessary rules or policies to ensure compliance with this subchapter subject to the prior review and approval of the Joint Budget Committee during legislative sessions and the Legislative Council between legislative sessions. (b) All disclosure statements and other […]

§ 21-1-405. Violations

(a) Any knowing violation of this subchapter is a Class D felony. (b) The violation of any rule or policy promulgated by the Department of Finance and Administration under this subchapter or the failure of a constitutional officer or spouse of a constitutional officer to disclose his or her interest in any contract, grant, or […]

§ 21-1-407. Employment by state agency

A person whose spouse is elected to a constitutional office may be employed by a state agency without the approval of the employment required by § 21-1-402(b) if the person’s entry salary does not exceed the amount prescribed by Level 4 of Grade 13 of the state compensation plan found in § 21-5-209.

§ 21-1-408. Investigation of violations

(a) The Arkansas Ethics Commission is authorized to investigate any complaints or allegations of violations of the provisions of this subchapter and to make findings thereon. (b) In the investigation of such matters, the commission is specifically given all authority and powers as granted to it under the provisions of §§ 7-6-217 and 7-6-218.