As used in this chapter: (a) “Public security” means a bond, note, certificate of indebtedness, or other obligation for the payment of money, issued by this state or by any of its departments, agencies, or other instrumentalities, or by any of its political subdivisions; (b) “Instrument of payment” means a check, draft, warrant, or order […]
Any authorized officer may, after filing with the Secretary of State his or her manual signature certified by him or her under oath, execute or cause to be executed with a facsimile signature in lieu of his or her manual signature: (a) Any public security; and (b) Any instrument of payment. Upon compliance with this […]
When the seal of this state or any of its departments, agencies, or other instrumentalities, or of any of its political subdivisions is required in the execution of a public security or instrument of payment, the authorized officer may cause the seal to be printed, engraved, stamped, or otherwise placed in facsimile thereon. The facsimile […]
This chapter shall be so construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of states which enact it.
This chapter may be cited as the “Uniform Facsimile Signature of Public Officials Act.”
If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable.
All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as inconsistent herewith.