(a) A purchaser may cancel or transfer a prepaid contract under this section, whether revocable or irrevocable, or whether cash-funded or funded by insurance or an annuity, at any time before performance of the contract by the seller, under the following conditions: (1) In the case of a cash-funded or trust-funded prepaid contract: (A) Before […]
(a) If it appears upon sufficient grounds or evidence satisfactory to the Insurance Commissioner that a person or a licensee has engaged in or is about to engage in an act or a practice that violates this chapter or a rule adopted or an order issued under this chapter or that the assets or capital […]
Compliance with this act shall be required for all licensees on and after March 16, 1997.
(a) There is established within the State Insurance Department Prepaid Trust Fund an account to be known as the “Prepaid Funeral Contracts Recovery Program Fund”, hereinafter “fund”. (b) No money is to be appropriated from this fund for any purpose except for expenses and payment of claims of the Prepaid Funeral Contracts Recovery Program at […]
An unfair method of competition or an unfair or deceptive act or practice under §§ 23-66-206(1)-(4), 23-66-206(6)-(8), and 23-66-207 — 23-66-213 in the sale of a prepaid funeral benefits contract is a violation of this chapter and may be punished under this chapter or the Trade Practices Act, § 23-66-201 et seq.