The “Multistate Tax Compact” is enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions legally joining therein, in the form substantially as follows: MULTISTATE TAX COMPACT ARTICLE I Purposes The purposes of this compact are to: (1) Facilitate proper determination of state and local tax liability of multistate taxpayers, including the equitable apportionment of tax […]
The “Multistate Tax Compact” is enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions legally joining therein, in the form substantially as follows: MULTISTATE TAX COMPACT ARTICLE I Purposes The purposes of this compact are to: (1) Facilitate proper determination of state and local tax liability of multistate taxpayers, including the equitable apportionment of tax […]
The Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration of the State of Arkansas shall represent this state on the Multistate Tax Commission. The secretary may, with the approval of the Governor, designate an alternate to serve on the commission in his or her place if there is on file with the commission written notification […]
The chief attorney of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration is designated as counsel to represent this state at meetings of the Multistate Tax Commission. However, the Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration may request the Attorney General of this state to attend meetings of the commission or to […]
The provisions of Article VIII of the Multistate Tax Compact, § 26-5-101, pertaining to interstate audits, shall not be applicable to this state unless the Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration shall, with the approval of the Governor, determine that compliance with the interstate audits procedures would be in the better interest of […]
The Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration is authorized to adopt and use forms promulgated by the Multistate Tax Commission pursuant to Article VII of the Multistate Tax Compact, § 26-5-101.