(a) (1) It shall be the duty of the guardian of the person, consistent with and out of the resources of the ward’s estate, to care for and maintain the ward and, if he or she is a minor, to see that he or she is protected, properly trained and educated, and that he or […]
(a) (1) No guardian appointed prior to October 1, 2001, shall make any of the following decisions without filing a petition and receiving express court approval: (A) Consent on behalf of the incapacitated person to abortion, sterilization, psychosurgery, or removal of bodily organs except when necessary in a situation threatening the life of the incapacitated; […]
(a) (1) If the ward is incapacitated for reasons other than minority and has not been committed to the state hospital as otherwise provided by law, the court, upon petition of the guardian of the person or other interested person and after such notice as the court shall direct, including notice to the guardian of […]
The guardian of the estate shall take possession of all of the ward’s real and personal property, and of rents, income, issue, and of the proceeds arising from the sale, mortgage, lease, or exchange thereof. Subject to the possession, the title to all the estate and to the increment and proceeds of the estate shall […]
(a) When there is a guardian of the estate, all actions between the ward or the guardian and third persons in which it is sought to charge or to benefit the estate of the ward shall be prosecuted by or against the guardian of the estate as guardian, and the guardian shall represent the interests […]
(a) When, prior to his or her incapacity, an incapacitated person has entered into a valid contract for the purchase or sale of any interest in real or personal property, including the sale or relinquishment of a dower or homestead interest, and the contract has not been performed prior to the inception of incapacitation, the […]
(a) If, at the time of the appointment of a guardian of the estate, the ward owns a business or an interest in a business, the court, by appropriate order, may authorize the guardian to continue the conduct of or participation in such a business in behalf of the ward for such periods of time […]
(a) Upon a showing that the action would be advantageous to the ward and his or her estate, the court may authorize the guardian to borrow money, to execute notes and other legal evidences of indebtedness, and to mortgage property of the ward in accordance with the provisions of § 28-65-314. (b) Upon a showing […]
(a) The guardian of the estate, or any person, department, bureau, agency, or charitable organization having the care and custody of a ward may apply to the court for an order directing the guardian of the estate to pay to the person, department, bureau, agency, or charitable organization having the care and custody of the […]
(a) The support of their unmarried minor children is chargeable jointly and severally upon the property of the husband and the property of the wife, and in the relation thereto, they may be sued either jointly or severally. (b) Although the responsibility for the care, maintenance, and education of a minor rests upon his or […]
(a) The guardian of the estate may, and when ordered by the court shall, deposit as a fiduciary, the funds of the ward in a financial institution of this state, as a general deposit, either in a checking account or a savings account. (b) The guardian shall invest the funds of the ward not reasonably […]
(a) If it is in the best interest of the ward or his or her estate, the court may order the guardian of the estate to retain any property belonging to the ward which may come into the hands of the guardian otherwise than by purchase by the guardian, whether or not the property is […]
(a) The court may authorize the purchase of real property in this state for use by the ward as a home or, unless he or she is an unmarried minor, as a home for his or her dependent family. (b) The purchase shall be made only upon order of the court after notice to the […]
(a) (1) The real or personal property of the ward not excluding real property in which a minor or mentally incompetent ward has a vested homestead interest, or any part thereof or interest therein, may be sold, conveyed, released, mortgaged, leased, or exchanged or an easement thereon may be granted by the guardian of the […]
(a) (1) The guardian of the estate of an incompetent who owns land situated in this state or an interest therein or who owns an interest in oil, gas, or other minerals in or under land situated in this state or in an oil, gas, or other mineral lease on the land on such terms […]
Upon petition of the guardian of the estate and after notice to such persons, if any, as the court may direct, the court may authorize the guardian of the estate of an incapacitated person in behalf of his or her ward to enter into transactions and to execute all instruments necessary or advantageous to the […]
(a) (1) A guardian of the estate is under a duty to pay from the estate all just claims against the estate of his or her ward, whether they constitute liabilities of the ward which arose prior to the guardianship or liabilities properly incurred by the guardian for the benefit of the ward or his […]
(a) On petition of the guardian of the estate, the court, if satisfied that the action would be in the interest of the ward and his or her estate, may make an order authorizing the settlement or compromise of any claim by or against the ward or his or her estate, whether arising out of […]
(a) (1) The guardian may employ legal counsel in connection with the discharge of his or her duties, and the court shall fix the attorney’s fee, which shall be allowed as an item of the expense of administration. (2) If the guardian is an attorney and has performed necessary legal services in connection with the […]
(a) Unless otherwise directed by the court, a guardian of the estate shall file with the court a written verified account of his or her administration: (1) Annually within sixty (60) days after the anniversary date of his or her appointment; and (2) Within sixty (60) days after termination of his or her guardianship. (b) […]