(a) Immunizations against measles, rubella, and other communicable diseases have resulted in a dramatic decrease in the incidence of these diseases in this country. (b) However, these diseases continue to occur on campuses of American colleges and universities, and a more intensified effort is needed to prevent and control these diseases. (c) A requirement that […]
No part-time student housed in on-campus premises and no full-time student may attend a public or private college or university in this state unless he or she has furnished proof, within such time as set by the college or university, but not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after enrollment, by way of an official […]
(a) The State Board of Health is empowered to promulgate rules for the proper enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter, including, but not limited to, the authority to examine records and conduct investigations to assure compliance. (b) The responsibility for the enforcement of these requirements rests with the directors of admissions or registration at […]
(a) If, at the discretion of a medical doctor licensed to practice in Arkansas, an individual is deemed to have a physical disability which may contraindicate one (1) or more of the vaccinations required by this subchapter, a certificate approved by the Department of Health and signed by the medical doctor may be accepted in […]