As used in this section, §§ 6-61-502 — 6-61-524, and 6-61-601 — 6-61-603, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) “Capital outlay expense” means those funds devoted to or required for the: (A) Acquisition and improvement of land; (B) Acquisition, construction, remodeling, alteration, addition, or enlargement of buildings or other structures; and (C) Initial purchase of […]
Pursuant to the authority granted by Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 52, there is authorized the establishment of community college districts to be formed, financed, and governed as provided in §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, 6-61-211 — 6-61-216, 6-61-301 — 6-61-305, 6-61-306 [repealed], 6-61-401, 6-61-402, 6-61-501 — 6-61-524, 6-61-601 — 6-61-603, 6-51-604 — 6-61-612 [repealed].
(a) The tax authorized to be levied under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 52, shall not exceed ten (10) mills on the taxable real and personal property of the district. (b) The millage approved by the electors shall be a continuing levy until reduced as provided in §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, 6-61-211 — 6-61-216, […]
The Director of the Division of Higher Education shall establish a separate Division of Community Junior Colleges within the Division of Higher Education.
(a) The Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board is authorized to act and shall act as the statewide coordinating board for the community colleges established in conformity with §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, 6-61-212 — 6-61-216, 6-61-301 — 6-61-305, 6-61-401, 6-61-402, 6-61-501 — 6-61-524, and 6-61-601 — 6-61-603. (b) When the Arkansas Higher Education […]
(a) All federal and other funds provided to the state for support of community colleges and vocational and technical education in community colleges shall be administered by the State Community College Board. (b) In the event there are legal requirements that the funds be granted to another agency of the state, that other agency shall […]
Upon request of a citizens’ group representing a proposed community college district, the State Community College Board shall assist in the study of the proposed district to determine whether its formation would meet the requirements of §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, 6-61-211 [repealed], 6-61-212 — 6-61-216, 6-61-301 — 6-61-305, 6-61-306 [repealed], 6-61-401, 6-61-402, […]
Prior to the calling of an election for the establishment of a community college district, the State Community College Board must certify that the proposed college will meet the following requirements: (1) Site: That a site which meets the criteria established by the board is available; (2) Students: That by objective analysis and projection the […]
(a) (1) No certificate of feasibility for the formation of a community college district in excess of eight (8) locations in Arkansas as authorized by Acts 1973, No. 103, § 5(b) [repealed], shall be issued by the State Community College Board. (2) It is the specific intent of §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, […]
(a) Upon certification of the State Community College Board that the formation of the proposed district is feasible and would conform to the requirements of §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, 6-61-212 [repealed], 6-61-212 — 6-61-216, 6-61-301 — 6-61-305, 6-61-306 [repealed], 6-61-401, 6-61-402, 6-61-501 — 6-61-524, 6-61-601 — 6-61-603, and 6-61-604 — 6-61-612 [repealed], […]
Within ten (10) days of the receipt and verification by the Secretary of State of the sufficiency of the petitions, he or she shall notify the county board of election commissioners of each county of which any portion is in the proposed community college district that an election shall be held in the area described […]
The date of the election shall be set by the Secretary of State in accordance with § 7-11-201 et seq.
(a) The State Community College Board shall specify the wording of the ballot to be used for each election to create a community college district utilizing appropriate language similar to that provided in subdivision (c)(1) of this section. (b) (1) The ballot for the election shall state the purpose of the election, giving the names […]
The election shall be conducted by the county board of election commissioners in the manner provided by law for special elections, and the ballots shall be marked by each elector, and the returns thereof shall be tabulated, certified, and reported as provided by law.
(a) (1) If a majority of the qualified electors of the proposed district voting thereon at such election shall vote for the establishment of the district, the district shall be established in the manner provided in §§ 6-61-101 — 6-61-103, 6-61-201 — 6-61-209, 6-61-211 [repealed], 6-61-212 — 6-61-216, 6-61-301 — 6-61-305, 6-61-306 [repealed], 6-61-401, 6-61-402, […]
If the election fails because of an adverse vote in one (1) or more counties or cities in a proposed district of multiple counties or cities, a proposed reconstituted district eliminating the counties or cities which cast the adverse vote in an election may be called within ninety (90) days, provided the State Community College […]
(a) The ad valorem tax levied by a district, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, shall be a continuing levy until reduced in the manner provided in this subchapter. (b) The tax shall be collected in the manner provided by law for the collection of county general taxes and promptly remitted to the […]
(a) When it is proposed that a county or city join an existing community college district, an election may be held in the proposed city or county to be added to determine whether the proposed reconstituted district shall be established after a petition requesting that the county or city be permitted to join the district […]
(a) A community college district may be dissolved or the millage tax voted reduced or repealed, with the exception of the millage required to service any outstanding bonds, upon approval thereof by a majority of the qualified electors of the district voting on the issue at an election called for such purpose. (b) The question […]
(a) The local control of each community college shall be vested in a local board composed of nine (9) members who are residents and qualified electors of the community college district. (b) (1) All members shall be elected for terms of six (6) years by the qualified electors of the community college district at the […]