For the purpose of this chapter, the State of Arkansas is divided into the following districts: (1) The First District shall be composed of the counties of Baxter, Fulton, Sharp, Randolph, Clay, Greene, Lawrence, Izard, Stone, Independence, Jackson, Craighead, Poinsett, Mississippi, Crittenden, Cross, St. Francis, Woodruff, White, and Cleburne; (2) The Second District shall be […]
(a) Within each of the districts established in § 6-65-101, there shall be a state agricultural school in which shall be taught agriculture, horticulture, mechanical arts, home economics, and the art of textile manufacturing. (b) The colleges shall have the same educational status. (c) The course of study shall be provided by the trustees of […]
(a) Each board of trustees shall elect one (1) of its members president, one (1) vice president, and one (1) secretary. (b) (1) Each board shall meet upon call of the president. (2) The board meetings shall be held at the school. (3) A majority shall constitute a quorum to do business. (c) (1) Members […]
(a) The board of trustees of each of the agricultural schools are given permission to provide in each of the schools a department for the training of rural school teachers. However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to Arkansas Tech University. (b) (1) The courses of study in the rural teachers’ training department […]
(a) The tuition in each school shall be determined by the board of trustees. (b) The trustees may limit the number of students from time to time according to the capacity and means of the institution and shall make such rules of admission as to equalize, as nearly as practicable, the privileges of the school […]
All work in, on, and about schools, or on the farms, or on or in the barns connected with the schools, whether it is farming, building, care of stock, or whatever kind of work, shall be performed by students of each school under such rules for the proper divisions and alterations in the work as […]
(a) (1) (A) The faculty of each school shall consist of: (i) A principal, who shall be a graduate of some reputable college or university; (ii) One (1) instructor in stock raising and dairying; (iii) A competent textile instructor; and (iv) Assistants as may be necessary. (B) The board of trustees may combine the duties […]
It shall be lawful for any and all railroads to give to the principals and heads of departments of the schools, and for them to accept and use, free transportation on all railroads in the state.
The several agricultural schools provided for in this chapter shall cooperate by reporting to each other the results of their several experiments and shall mutually agree upon the publication of such bulletins for free distribution as they may deem to be in the best interest of those engaged in agricultural pursuits.
(a) The proceeds from the sale of all farm products shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of each of the schools and kept in a separate fund. (b) The moneys may be drawn by warrant by the boards of trustees and expended for the upbuilding and development of the school farms […]
The board of trustees of each school are authorized to rent to the best advantage from time to time any portion of the property of such schools not required for the immediate use of the school.
The board of trustees of each of the agricultural schools shall make a report to the General Assembly every two (2) years, giving itemized statements showing the amount of each appropriation for each item and how and for what purpose expended.