(a) There is created an honorary board constituting the Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University. (b) (1) The board shall consist of five (5) members appointed from the state at large. (2) The Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint the members of the board. (3) The Secretary […]
(a) The Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University created in § 6-65-201 is charged with the management and control of Arkansas State University. (b) The board shall have the power, authority, and duties formerly conferred by law on the board it succeeds.
(a) The right of eminent domain is granted to Arkansas State University located at Jonesboro, to condemn property, wherever and whenever the acquisition of property is necessary for the use of the university. However, homesteads as of March 28, 1947, shall not be deemed to come within the provisions of this section. (b) All suits […]
(a) In view of the uncertainty as to the maximum amount of funds to be realized from tax sources, the disbursing agent is directed to inform himself or herself at all times as to the condition of the cash balance to the credit of his or her institution. (b) No voucher shall be drawn unless […]
Arkansas State University is designated and directed to provide for and to participate in the educational training activities which have been or are designated, and in the funds appropriated therefor, by the federal government for the support of educational programs, for the improved preparation of teachers, both general and vocational, for the support of the […]
There is established and shall be conducted at Arkansas State University at Jonesboro a research and educational program in real estate to be known as the “Ray Worthington Chair of Real Estate”.
(a) The General Assembly determines that: (1) There is urgent need in the State of Arkansas to prepare persons with training and expertise in the field of engineering and the fundamentals of management; (2) Current needs of Arkansas’s diversified industry and the demands for future expansion will require engineers in managerial positions who have a […]
The Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University is empowered to exercise any powers, rights, and obligations in regard to Arkansas State University-Beebe that it is now empowered and authorized by law to exercise in regard to Arkansas State University.
The Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University is empowered to designate the counties of Lonoke, Prairie, White, Pulaski, Grant, Saline, Cleburne, Stone, Independence, and Hot Spring as composing the district for Arkansas State University-Beebe.
The course of study shall be provided by the Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University and shall consist of actual experiments, treatises, or lectures on agriculture, horticulture, poultry raising, dairying, truck and small fruit growing, and their marketing.
(a) The faculty of Arkansas State University-Beebe shall consist of: (1) A principal, who shall be a graduate of some reputable school of agriculture and well versed in practical farming in such soils as surround the university; (2) One (1) instructor in stock raising, poultry, and dairying, who shall have had practical work as such; […]
(a) The tuition in Arkansas State University-Beebe shall be determined by the Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University. (b) The board may limit the number of students from time to time according to the capacity and means of the institution and shall make such rules of admission as to equalize as nearly as practical […]
All work in, on, or about Arkansas State University-Beebe, or on the farm, or on or in the barns or poultry yards connected with the university, whether it is farming, building, care of stock, or work of whatsoever kind, shall be performed by students of the university under such rules as the Board of Trustees […]
The Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University are authorized to rent to the best advantage from time to time any portion of the property of Arkansas State University-Beebe not required for the immediate use of the university.
Arkansas State University-Beebe shall cooperate with other agricultural schools in operation by reporting to them the results of its experiments, and they shall mutually agree upon the publication of bulletins for free distribution as they deem to be of interest to those engaged in agricultural pursuits.
The Arkansas State University-Beebe Fund is created for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of Arkansas State University-Beebe.
(a) It is found and determined by the Seventy-Fifth General Assembly of the State of Arkansas that: (1) The education and employment of its populace are two (2) of the highest goals of modern government; (2) Technological advancements in industrial production and business are changing the means and methods in which business is conducted in […]
The Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University is empowered and directed to design and establish a technical education program at Arkansas State University-Beebe to be known as the Arkansas State Technical Institute.
(a) The Arkansas State Technical Institute shall provide educational programs which combine academic skills and vocational training in highly technical employment fields. (b) The institute shall offer courses of study leading to certificates and associate degrees and shall also offer such short-term programs as needed.
The chief administrative officer of the Arkansas State Technical Institute shall be responsible to the Chancellor of Arkansas State University-Beebe and the President of Arkansas State University and Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University for the operation of the institute within the rules and procedures adopted by the board.