Any person entitled to a division of personal property may apply therefor to the chancery court of the proper county, subject to the foregoing provisions of Sections 11-21-1 through 11-21-45 in reference to land, as far as applicable, considering the difference in the kind of property; and a sale or a division may be ordered […]
A tenant in common of personal property, not exceeding in value the amount provided in Section 9-11-9, may apply for a partition of it by petition in writing to the county court of the county in which the property or some part of it may be, or, in counties not having a county court, to […]
If partition be ordered, it shall be made by the county court or the justice of the peace, as the case may be, who shall value the property and divide it equally into as many shares as there are separate owners, and allot the several shares to the different owners after the manner prescribed for […]
If the petitioner make affidavit at the commencement of his suit, or afterwards, of his right as a tenant in common, and that there is danger of the removal of the property, so as to defeat or endanger his right, the county court or the justice of the peace, as the case may be, shall […]
A sale of property ordered by the county court or a justice of the peace, as the case may be, to be made for a division of the proceeds shall be made for cash and on such notice and at such place as sales of like property are made under execution issued by the county […]
A person aggrieved may appeal from the judgment of the county court or the justice of the peace, as the case may be, in refusing or ordering a sale or partition, or in making partition, or from any final action of the county court or the justice of the peace, as the case may be, […]