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§ 51-8-47. Rates, fees, tolls, and charges; penalties for nonpayment

The board of commissioners of the district issuing bonds pursuant to this chapter shall prescribe and collect reasonable rates, fees, tolls or charges for the services, facilities and commodities of its system or systems; shall prescribe penalties for the nonpayment thereof; and shall revise such rates, fees, tolls or charges from time to time whenever […]

§ 51-8-49. Tax exemption

The property and revenue of such district shall be exempt from all state, county and municipal taxation. Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all state, county and municipal taxation, except inheritance, transfer and estate taxes, and it may be so stated on the face of said bonds.

§ 51-8-5. Local government resolutions; contents

Creation of a joint water management district shall be initiated by identical resolutions passed by each interested local governmental unit. Such resolution shall set forth in detail the geographic boundaries of the district, the function or functions to be performed by the district, a statement of the necessity for the creation of the district, the […]

§ 51-8-51. Construction contracts

All construction contracts by the district shall be made in accordance with the laws governing public contracts for counties and municipalities, being Sections 31-5-3 through 31-5-57.

§ 51-8-53. Annexation of adjacent area; services within annexed territory

Any area adjacent to any district created pursuant to this chapter may be annexed to and become a part of such district by the same procedure as prescribed for the original creation of the district. All costs incident to the publication of notice and all other costs incident to the hearings, election and proceedings shall […]

§ 51-8-55. Agreements with state or federal government

The board of commissioners of any district created pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall have the authority to enter into cooperative agreements with the state or federal government, or both; to obtain financial assistance in the form of loans or grants as may be available from the state or federal government, or both; […]

§ 51-8-57. Applicability of municipal standards

When any district is created within three (3) miles of the corporate boundaries of any existing municipality, the municipality is empowered to require such district to construct and maintain all facilities, whether purchased or constructed, to standards commensurate with those of the adjoining municipality; provided, however, the governing authorities of the municipalities may specifically waive […]

§ 51-8-59. Additional statutory authority not required

The provisions of this chapter, without reference to any other statute or statutes, shall be deemed to be full and complete authority for the creation of such districts and for the issuance of such bonds. No proceedings shall be required for the creation of such districts or for the issuance of such bonds other than […]

§ 51-8-61. Publication and filing of annual statement; contents

Within ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal year, the board of commissioners shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the county a sworn statement showing the financial condition of the district, the earnings for the fiscal year just ended, a statement of the water and sewer rates being charged and […]

§ 51-8-63. Corporate body, acquisition and assumption of powers, duties and responsibilities of joint water management district; petition; water management plan; grant of water management district status

If authorized pursuant to Section 51-9-121, 51-11-13, 51-13-111 or 51-15-119, as applicable, any corporate body organized under the provisions of Chapters 9, 11, 13 and 15 of Title 51, Mississippi Code of 1972, may elect by resolution duly adopted by its board of directors, to acquire and assume the power, duties and responsibilities of a […]

§ 51-8-65. Creation of joint district, approval of Commission required; approval of water management plan a condition for creation; amendments to plan; permits, grants and loans to be consistent with plan

From and after July 1, 1995, no joint water management district shall be created without the approval of the Commission on Environmental Quality. The commission may establish criteria for the approval of a request to create a joint water management district, but may not finally approve a request and grant joint water management district status […]

§ 51-8-7. Public hearings

Each governmental unit proposing to form a joint water management district shall hold a public hearing in the same manner as set out in Section 19-5-155.

§ 51-8-9. Findings required

After the public hearing required by Section 51-8-7 and upon full consideration of all matters and facts presented at such hearing, each such local governmental unit shall make a finding that the public convenience and necessity requires the creation of the district and that the creation of the district is economically sound and feasible.