US Lawyer Database

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§ 53-1-71. Definitions for Sections 53-1-73 through 53-1-77

As used in Sections 53-1-73 through 53-1-77: The term “barrel of oil” shall be forty-two (42) United States standard gallons corrected to sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit and all measurements for volume shall be in one hundred percent (100%) strappings. “Cubic foot of gas” shall be that volume of gas which occupies one (1) cubic foot […]

§ 53-1-73. Charge imposed to pay for administration expenses

For the purposes of paying the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the administration and enforcement of the oil and gas conservation laws of the State of Mississippi and of the rules, regulations and orders of the State Oil and Gas Board, there is levied and assessed against each barrel of oil produced in […]

§ 53-1-75. Persons liable

The persons owning an interest (working interest, royalty interest, payments out of production or any other interest) in the oil or gas subject to the charge provided in Section 53-1-73 shall be liable for the charge in proportion to their ownership at the time of production. The charge assessed and fixed in Section 53-1-73 shall […]

§ 53-1-77. Oil and gas conservation fund; use of excess funds to plug orphan oil or gas wells; emergency plugging fund; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

The State Oil and Gas Supervisor, as ex officio secretary of such board, shall remit to the State Treasurer all monies collected by reason of the assessments made and fixed under the provisions of Section 53-1-73, and the State Treasurer shall deposit all such monies in a special fund known as the “Oil and Gas […]