The Legislature finds and declares that: Within the state, mining constitutes a significant aspect of the state’s economy. The Interstate Mining Compact was established in 1966 to provide a forum for states having significant mining to exchange ideas on mining technology, conservation, and reclamation practices and to generate consensus policies for use as desired by […]
Pursuant to the findings of the Legislature and subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, the State of Mississippi hereby adopts the Interstate Mining Compact as embodied in the findings and purposes set forth above, and the state through the Office of the Governor is authorized to join and participate in the Interstate Mining Compact […]
No provisions of the Interstate Mining Compact, nor any policies of the Interstate Mining Compact Commission, shall be construed to limit, repeal, or supersede any law of the State of Mississippi. The Governor and the Legislature, or agents of either, shall have the right to inspect the books and accounts of the Interstate Mining Compact […]
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality may pay annually out of funds collected from Surface Coal Mining Permit Fees, or from funds granted to the state by the federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, the annual membership dues payable to the Interstate Mining Compact Commission for the membership of the State of Mississippi […]
Within the limitations of this section, the Governor shall be entitled to exercise all the power of his office necessary in his judgment to maintain the state in good standing as a member and to participate therein. After the Governor has provided one (1) year’s notice in writing to the governors of all other member […]