§ 53-11-1. Short title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Mississippi Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Act.”
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Mississippi Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Act.”
Upon application by an operator to unitize for a geologic sequestration facility in an oil or gas reservoir that is not unitized either under this chapter or by board order under the provisions of Sections 53-3-103 or 53-3-155, after notice as provided in Section 53-3-115, the board shall hold a hearing to consider the operation […]
If the board finds pursuant to Section 53-11-9(1) that a reservoir shall be operated as a unit for a geologic sequestration facility, the board may issue an order requiring such unit operation, if it finds that: Unit operation of the reservoir is reasonably necessary in order to create and operate an approved geologic sequestration facility […]
The order issued by the State Oil and Gas Board shall be fair and reasonable under all of the circumstances and shall protect the rights of interested parties and shall include: A description of the geographical area and a description of the reservoirs or of any portion or portions or combinations thereof affected which together […]
All public hearings before the board under this chapter shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Sections 53-1-19 through 53-1-37.
Whenever the board or an authorized representative of the board determines that a violation of any requirement of this chapter has occurred or is threatened, the board shall be authorized to either issue an order requiring compliance within a specified time period or commence a civil action for appropriate relief, including a temporary or permanent […]
Any provision in this chapter, or in any rule, regulation or order issued by the board under this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, acting as a storage operator pursuant to this chapter in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, or with rules, regulations or orders issued by the board under this chapter, or voluntarily […]
The board is authorized to adopt regulations within its jurisdiction to assess sequestration fees that shall be subject to the approval of the Legislature. Any monies collected shall be used exclusively: (i) to pay the expenses and other costs connected with administration and enforcement of this chapter and the rules, regulations and orders of the […]
After cessation of injection into a geologic sequestration facility and upon application by the storage operator, the board shall be authorized to issue a certificate of completion of injection operations upon a showing by the storage operator that the reservoir is reasonably expected to retain mechanical integrity, and that carbon dioxide will reasonably remain emplaced. […]
The storage operator may file an application with the board for the release of the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance on or after the third anniversary of the date the board issued a certificate of completion for the geologic sequestration facility. An application for a release shall require a description of the […]
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person to refuse to attach or install a monitor within a reasonable period of time when ordered to do so by the board, or in any way to tamper with the monitors so as to produce a false or inaccurate reading.
It is declared to be in the public interest for a public purpose and the policy of Mississippi that: The geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide will benefit the citizens of the state and the state’s environment. Carbon dioxide is a valuable commodity to the citizens of the state. Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide may allow […]
Any interested person adversely affected by any provision or section of this chapter within the jurisdiction of the board or by any rule, regulation or order made by the board thereunder, or by any act done or threatened thereunder, may obtain court review and seek relief by appeal to the Chancery Court of the First […]
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, nothing in this chapter shall prevent an enhanced oil or gas recovery project utilizing injection of carbon dioxide as approved by the board under Section 53-1-17 or require compliance with all or part of this chapter by any enhanced oil or gas recovery project that is not […]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Board” means the State Oil and Gas Board created by Section 53-1-5. “Carbon dioxide” means: (i) naturally occurring carbon dioxide; (ii) geologically sourced carbon dioxide; (iii) anthropogenic carbon dioxide; or (iv) carbon dioxide stream. The term […]
The board shall have authority to regulate and promulgate rules and regulations governing geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide and underground injection wells under this chapter within reservoirs. Rules and regulations governing injection wells for geologic sequestration not regulated under the board’s authority for Class II wells shall be subject to approval of the commission to […]
The board may enter an order, after notice and hearing pursuant to the provisions of Sections 53-1-19 through 53-1-37, approving any proposed geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide. The board shall be authorized to issue an order upon finding the following: That the reservoir sought to be used as a reservoir for the injection, storage and […]