The repairing, remodeling and enlarging of the Mississippi Memorial Stadium shall be carried on throughout in accordance with the provisions of Section 12, Chapter 390, Laws of 1960.
The cost of repairing, remodeling and enlarging the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium shall be paid from any funds appropriated by the Legislature for such purposes, or from the sale of revenue bonds or general obligation bonds issued for this purpose, as may be hereafter authorized by the Legislature. The costs of construction of improvements made […]
There is hereby created a commission to be known as “The Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium Commission,” hereinafter sometimes referred to as the commission, which shall consist of six (6) members as follows: One (1) member shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jackson, Mississippi; One (1) member shall be selected by the […]
The athletic field at the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson, Mississippi, shall be named the “A.C. (Butch) Lambert Field.” The Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium Commission shall erect appropriate signs and markers at the stadium to indicate the name of the field.
Prior to January 1, 1990, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning shall develop a proposal to encourage scheduling of football games by Mississippi universities in the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium, which scheduling will acknowledge the obligation of such universities to support the enlarged stadium, the expansion of which was encouraged by […]
From and after March 16, 2011: The Department of Finance and Administration as managing agency for the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium, upon consultation with Jackson State University and the Department of Health, shall transfer the operational, administrative and managing powers and duties over the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium to Jackson State University, subject to an […]
Any construction, renovation, repair and reconstruction to the facilities and property of the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium shall be carried on under the direction of the commission, which is authorized to make and enter into such contracts, agreements and undertakings as may be necessary to effect this purpose. The commission may take any action authorized […]
Jackson State University and the University of Mississippi Medical Center shall comply fully with the terms of any lease agreement entered into by the Department of Finance and Administration with any public or private entity for that portion of the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium Property transferred to and under its jurisdiction as provided in Section […]
Jackson State University shall acquire possession of, operate, maintain and improve the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium until such time that Jackson State University relocates its home football games to another venue, in accordance with the provisions of this section and Sections 55-23-6 and 55-23-8. Jackson State University shall employ such agents and employees as may […]