As used in this article: “Business enterprise” means: Any enterprise owning or operating a facility for the manufacture or assembly of systems or components used in the generation of clean energy that locates or expands in this state which will have a minimum capital investment in this state of Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000.00) and will […]
Business enterprises wishing to apply for the tax exemptions authorized by this article shall make application to the MDA prior to construction or acquisition of the buildings for the location or expansion of the business enterprise in this state. The application shall, at a minimum, contain: An overview of the project that includes the selected […]
Upon approval of the application, the MDA shall issue certification designating the business enterprise as eligible for the tax exemptions authorized by this article. This certification shall document the date by which all commitments must be met. Upon the issuance of the certification, the business enterprise shall be exempt from state taxes for a period […]
The MDA shall promulgate rules and regulations, in accordance with the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law, for the implementation and administration of this article.