As used in Sections 57-26-1 through 57-26-5, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Approved project costs” means actual costs incurred by an approved participant for land acquisition, construction, engineering, design and other costs approved by the Mississippi Development Authority relating to a […]
There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the “Tourism Project Sales Tax Incentive Fund,” into which shall be deposited such money as provided in Section 27-65-75(16). The monies in the fund shall be used for the purpose of making the incentive payments authorized in this section. The fund […]
The MDA shall develop, implement and administer the incentive program authorized in Sections 57-26-1 through 57-26-5 and shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the development, implementation and administration of such program. A person, corporation or other entity desiring to participate in the incentive program authorized in Sections 57-26-1 through 57-26-5 must submit an application […]
The MDA shall not approve any application submitted after June 30, 2014, pursuant to Section 57-26-5 for a project that includes any resort development.