Any county having two (2) judicial districts and a population of fifty-six thousand, three hundred fifty-seven (56,357) according to the 1970 federal decennial census, together with any counties contiguous thereto, where the boards of supervisors of said counties, or any number of them, shall find and determine that the public convenience and necessity requires the […]
Any revenues or proceeds derived from property purchased or acquired by the council with funds given or delivered to the council for a specific purpose shall be used exclusively for industrial development in the contributing county. Such funds shall not be commingled with other funds of the council, but shall be kept and expended solely […]
All funds secured and expended under the provisions of this chapter shall be public funds and the auditor of public accounts of the State of Mississippi shall audit the same as other public funds are now audited.
Millage levied under the provisions of this chapter shall not be reimbursable under the provisions of the Homestead Exemption Laws, being Section 27-33-1 et seq.
After the creation of the Southeast Mississippi Industrial Council, the Southeast Mississippi Industrial Development Council is hereby authorized to transfer to the Southeast Mississippi Industrial Council any of its assets, funds and personal property.
Any county electing to participate under the provisions of this chapter may not withdraw from the Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District for a period of five (5) years, if such county was a member of the Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District when this chapter was passed.
Before entering upon the duties of the office, each member of said council shall take and subscribe the following oath: “I_______________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Mississippi, and obey the laws thereof; that I am not disqualified […]
The council may do anything within its power, not inconsistent with this chapter, to secure and further industrial and economic development of said counties, to advertise the natural resources and possibilities of the same, and to maintain and support the same. The council is hereby expressly authorized and empowered to acquire by gift, purchase or […]
The board of supervisors of each county electing to be a part of this council is authorized to set aside, appropriate and expend moneys from the general fund for the purpose of securing funds with which to support and maintain said council. Prior to the board of supervisors securing an indebtedness of the council under […]
Any county electing to designate a specific portion of the levy authorized by this chapter to industrial development within such county may also pledge to continue to levy an assessment, not in excess of three-fourths (3/4) mill, against all of the assessed property in said county for a period of time no longer than twenty […]