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Home » US Law » 2020 Mississippi Code » Title 57 - Planning, Research and Development » Chapter 34 - Alabama-Mississippi Joint Economic Development Authority

§ 57-34-1. Title

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Alabama-Mississippi Joint Economic Development Act.”

§ 57-34-11. Cross-border activities

All public agencies and political subdivisions of the States of Alabama and Mississippi are hereby authorized to perform for the benefit of any project any functions, activities or services that such agencies are otherwise permitted by law to perform regardless of where the project is located.

§ 57-34-13. Funding

The authority shall submit annually to the executive head or designated officer or officers of each state a budget of its estimated expenditures for such year as may be required by the laws of that state for presentation to the legislature thereof. The total amount of the authority’s budget of estimated expenditures shall be apportioned […]

§ 57-34-15. Severability; construction

The provisions of this chapter shall be severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this chapter is declared unconstitutional or the application thereof to any agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the constitutionality of the remainder of this chapter and the applicability thereof to any other agency, person or circumstance shall […]

§ 57-34-3. Findings

The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following: There exists in the State of Alabama and in the State of Mississippi a continuing need for gainful employment for the citizens of both states. There are significant advantages that will be realized from a cooperative approach between the two (2) states with respect to economic development […]

§ 57-34-5. Definitions

As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning: “Act” means the provisions of this chapter. “Authority” means the Alabama-Mississippi Joint Economic Development Authority created pursuant to this chapter. “Board of directors” means the board of […]

§ 57-34-7. Creation; governance; authority to act

The Alabama-Mississippi Joint Economic Development Authority is hereby created by the states for the performance of essential public functions. The authority shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of the Director of the Alabama Development Office and the Executive Director of the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority. The board of directors shall administer, […]

§ 57-34-9. Taxation; incentives; allocation; distribution

A project shall be subject to taxation in the state in which the project is located. A project shall be subject to all state and local taxes in the state in which the project is located that are levied on other enterprises of similar nature in the state. For purposes of determining an entity’s state […]