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Home » US Law » 2020 Mississippi Code » Title 57 - Planning, Research and Development » Chapter 43 - Railroad Revitalization

§ 57-43-1. Establishment of Railroad Revitalization Fund; development of comprehensive state rail plan; plan to include distinct freight and passenger components; periodic update of plan; deposits and expenditures

There is established in the State Treasury a revolving fund to be designated as the “Railroad Revitalization Fund.” Monies (including interest earnings) in this fund shall be expended either separately or in combination with any available federal funds for railroad research, railroad planning and railroad administration costs incurred by the Mississippi Department of Transportation directly […]

§ 57-43-15. Mississippi Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Safety Account

There is established within the Railroad Revitalization Fund a new account to be entitled the Mississippi Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Safety Account. The account shall be administered by the Mississippi Department of Transportation and shall consist of: Such monies as are transferred to it on July 1, 2001, from the Mississippi Grade Crossing Closure Account; Thirty-five […]

§ 57-43-3. Agreements to carry out railroad revitalization

The Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Transportation, with the approval of the Mississippi Transportation Commission, may enter into agreements with railroads, the United States government, persons, municipalities, counties, local railroad authorities or regional railroad authorities for carrying out the purposes of this chapter. Agreements entered into between the executive director and railroad corporations […]

§ 57-43-5. Acceptance of federal grants; grants from fund

The Mississippi Department of Transportation may accept federal funds to carry out the provisions of this chapter. All federal grants received under provisions of this chapter shall be expended for the purposes set forth in the federal grants. The transportation department, upon a finding that sufficient federal grants for railroad rehabilitation are not available, and […]

§ 57-43-7. Terms of agreements between Department and railroad corporations

Agreements between the railroad corporations and the Mississippi Department of Transportation which do not require payment of a portion of the revenue derived from the improved rail line to be paid by the railroad to the Railroad Revitalization Fund shall require that the railroad establish and maintain a separate railroad corporation fund to which a […]

§ 57-43-9. County or municipal appropriations to fund; use of such moneys

The board of supervisors of a county or the governing authority of a municipality may, with the approval of the Mississippi Department of Transportation, appropriate funds from the county or municipal general fund to the Railroad Revitalization Fund. The money shall be used in accordance with this chapter only for rehabilitation or improvement of rail […]