[In cases involving business enterprises that received or applied for the job tax credit authorized by this section prior to January 1, 2005, this section shall read as follows:] Annually by December 31, using the most current data available from the University Research Center, Mississippi Department of Employment Security and the United States Department of […]
[In cases involving business enterprises that apply for the job tax credit authorized by this section from and after January 1, 2005, this section shall read as follows:] Annually by December 31, using the most current data available from the University Research Center, Mississippi Department of Employment Security and the United States Department of Commerce, […]
A fifty percent (50%) income tax credit shall be granted to any employer providing dependent care for employees during the employee’s work hours. Credit is applied to the net cost of any contract executed by the employer for another entity to provide dependent care; or, if the employer elects to provide dependent care itself, to […]
The State Tax Commission is authorized to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations necessary to accomplish its duties under Chapter 524, Laws, 1989.
The Department of Economic Development is authorized to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations necessary to accomplish its duties under Chapter 524, Laws, 1989.